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Imperial College London’s Environmental Research Group and Policy Forum are pleased to present a public seminar series addressing ‘Environment and health challenges in a changing world’. This is the second session of a six-part seminar series, which will be hosted by Dr Stephanie Wright, Lecturer in Environmental Technology and Microplastics Team Lead at the Environment Research Group. This session will feature talks and a panel discussion, followed by a drink’s reception, and address the following theme:

One Health Monitoring of Emerging Hazards: from chemical pollution to microbes to microplastics. Developing new approaches to characterising and rapidly identifying emerging pollutants. River health monitoring advances.

The Environmental Research Group at Imperial College London combines air and water pollution science, toxicology and epidemiology to determine the impacts of environmental pollution on health and the causal factors. We work closely with those responsible for air and water quality management to support policies and actions to minimise air pollution health effects.

Hosted by Dr Stephanie Wright, Lecturer in Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Research Group


Kerry Sims, Manager, Chemicals Assessment Unit, Environment Agency

Professor Matthew Fisher, Professor of Fungal Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London

Professor Jamie Woodward, Professor of Physical Geography, University of Manchester


14:45 – Registration and Refreshments
15:00 – Welcome and introduction from Dr Stephanie Wright
15:20 – Talks from guest speakers on monitoring environmental hazards:

 Dr Kerry Sims, Environmental Agency – ‘Chemicals Monitoring Data For Environmental Protection- an Environment Agency perspective’
 Professor Jamie Woodward, University of Manchester
 Professor Matthew Fisher, Imperial College London – ‘Monitoring Emerging Fungal Threats’

16:20 – Panel discussion chaired by Dr Helena Rapp-Wright from the Emerging Chemical Contaminants Group, Imperial College London

Followed by drinks reception


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