


The Department of Physics at Imperial College London is again hosting a full day Particle Physics Masterclass.

We invite Sixth form Physics students and their teachers to come and find out about the exciting world of Experimental Particle Physics from one of the largest Particle Physics research groups in the country. We have run the Masterclass successfully in a similar format for a number of years.

The day will start with an Introduction to the Group and the experiments and talks about current hot topics in Particle Physics. After lunch, the programme will continue and the students can have a tour of the current undergraduate projects followed by further talks and discussions.


Reservations, indicating the number of students and accompanying teachers, can be made using our online registration form.

Please note, the booking will only be valid once a payment of £3.00 per student (going towards refreshments costs) has been made. Teachers do not need to pay.  A maximum number of 10 students per school can attend, students may also register to attend individually.

Booking deadline 7th July 2023

All attendees will be contacted with further details via email prior to the event.

Please contact Paula Consiglio if you need any further information.

We are looking forward to seeing you!



09:00->10:00 Registration and Refreshments at Blackett Level 2 Foyer Area

10:00 ->10:15 Introduction and safety (Prof David Colling + Safety person)

10:15 ->10:40 The Standard Model of Particle Physics (Ms Irena Andreou)

10:40 ->11:05 The High Energy Frontier (Dr Jonathon Langford )

11:05 ->11:30 Triggering (and may be some ML on a chip) (Dr Andrew Rose)

11:30 ->11:55 Quantum Computing algorithms in PP (Dr Simon Williams)

11:55->12:20 Neutrinos (Pierrre Jean Joseph Losorak)

12:20 ->13:00 LUNCH

13:00 ->15:00 CMS analysis Exercise-discovering the Higgs Boson- in Computer Suite level 3 Blackett

15:00 ->15:15 Refreshments with physicists to chat to.

15:15 ->15:40 LHCb (Matthew Birch)

15:40->16:05  Entrepreneurship in Particle Physics ( Dr John Hassard)

16:05 ->16:35 Dark Matter (Dr Kelsey Oliver-Mallory)

16:30 ->17:00 General Q & A

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