
Dr Anthony Halog
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Queensland


Dr. Anthony Halog is currently a Visiting Academic/Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study/International Manufacturing Centre, The University of Warwick. He completed his PhD in Industrial Environmental Economics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany and received his chemical and industrial system engineering degrees in the Asian region.  He has more than 20 years of industry, research, and teaching experience and at least 130 publications in leading refereed journals in industrial ecology and sustainable engineering. One of his recent successful grants is a 4-year (2023 – 2026) project of $406,569 funded by the International Climate Change Engagement Program from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on “Optimization of Refuse-Derived Fuels to Decarbonize Electricity Sectors and Achieve Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Targets in Indonesia”.


The journey towards net zero, circular economy requires that manufacturing firms should find innovative ways to be profitable and at the same time expand the traditional models of business to include key socio-environmental considerations. Life-cycle engineering (LCE) is a sustainability-oriented engineering approach that takes into account the technical, environmental, and economic impacts of decisions within the product life cycle.  LCE makes life cycle thinking and product sustainability operational for businesses through continuous improvements of product systems and supporting business assimilation of integrated product policies. This presentation will highlight key holistic and life cycle thinking approaches in view of creating new insights into how circular economy principles can be implemented by firms, both in terms of processes and strategies.

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