
The documentary follows young people from a diverse range of backgrounds in New York City as they try to gain a place at one of the city’s elite, publicly-funded, selective high schools through taking the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT). The gap in opportunities for different ethnic groups in America remains extreme, and nowhere is this more evident than in NYC’s top publicly-funded schools.

‘Tested’ premiered at 2015 DOC NYC Documentary Film Festival.  It has been screened at over 150 conferences and universities in the US and 8 other countries. Curtis Chin has won awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, and the San Diego Asian American Film Foundation. As a community activist, he co-founded the Asian American Writers Workshop and Asian Pacific Americans for Progress. His first film, ‘Vincent Who?’ has screened at nearly 400 colleges/universities, NGOs and corporations in four countries.

Trailer: http://www.testedfilm.com/

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