Pinch plasma discharges are pulsed sources of dense plasmas, ion pulses, X-ray pulses, neutron pulses, plasma shocks, and supersonic plasma jets. The duration of the pulses ranges from nanoseconds to hundreds of nanoseconds. At the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission, we investigate pinch discharges such as z-pinches, x-pinches, wire arrays, and plasma focus using small experimental devices as part of our research program.

In particular, we have extended plasma focus experiments to sub-kilojoule devices, and the scaling rules have been stretched to regions with less than one joule. This talk will provide a brief review of the most recent results using tabletop plasma focus devices for basic research and applications, including:

a) Scalability, similarities, differences and new operational regimes in plasma focus devices, b) Studies of filamentary structures, toroidal singularities, plasma bursts, and plasma jet generation. c) The use of plasma focus devices as plasma accelerators for studying materials under intense fusion-relevant pulses. d) Pulsed radiation applied to biological studies. e) Miniaturized pulsed plasma thrusters for orienting nanosatellites of the CubeSat standard. f) The use of a plasma focus as a neutron seed for a hybrid fusion-fission generator.

Finally, we will discuss future challenges in this field.

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