The Zendor collaboration is a joint effort between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and First Light Fusion (FLF) to use FLF’s hydrodynamic amplification technology to increase the attainable pressures for Principal Hugoniot measurements on the Z machine. This seminar will present results from validation experiments on SNL’s STAR Two-Stage Light-Gas Gun (2SLGG) facility. In this campaign, pressures 5 times over the previous quartz record were demonstrated (> 1TPa) with a temporal hold and spatial uniformity sufficient to make high precision (<1%) EoS measurements relative to a standard. Recent data from the successful first test of the platform on the Z machine, where record quartz pressures on the facility were achieved, will be presented along with plans for two further shots. An overview of potential use cases for this amplifier platform outside of EoS will then be discussed. This work was completed as part of SNL’s Z Fundamental Science (ZFS) program.

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