Professor Antal Rot obtained his M.D. at the Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary where subsequently he was formally trained and worked as an Anatomical and Surgical Pathologist. His post-doctoral research training was in the lab of legendary Edward J. Leonard at the National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA. Afterwards, Antal joined Sandoz/ Novartis Forschungsinstitut in Vienna, Austria where for 20 years he was the Head of Experimental Pathology. After Institute’s closure, Antal moved to the UK taking up successive professorial appointments at the Universities of Birmingham and York. Since 2017 Antal is the Chair of Inflammation Sciences at the Centre for Microvascular Research, William Harvey Research Institute, Barts and the London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London.
Professor Rot is visiting the NHLI IRD Section and giving a seminar on Monday 15th April from 12:30-13:30. His seminar will discuss the ‘new functional facets of chemokines and their receptors.’
Please join us in-person in (Room TBC) or via the Teams link provided.