The recently established NIHR Imperial BRC Organoid Facility is organising a workshop on the current and future projects involving lung and airway organoids. The aim of this full-day event is to connect people having existing resources and expertise within the College with those who are interested in complementing these efforts.
Therefore, the workshop is relevant for anyone already working with lung and airway organoids and interested in expanding the source samples, the complexity of their experimental setup, and the readout of their data. Likewise, those who are not yet working with lung or airway organoids but have a biomedical or engineering interest to start working with lung organoids or with those who already work with them are very much welcome to join.
The first half of the workshop will contain invited talks, followed by selected talks from those who register and express interest. While in the second half of the event there will be short, focused networking group discussions to identify connections, missing resources, and ways of how the BRC Organoid Facility can support lung and airway organoid research work at Imperial College. Coffee and lunch will be provided.
Detailed program:
Imperial Lung and Airway Organoid Workshop
29 April 2024, 7th floor Seminar room, LMS Building, Hammersmith Campus
10:00-10:15 Opening, Tamas Korcsmaros (Imperial BRC Organoid Facility)
10:15-10:45 Opening Keynote: Yuki Yamamoto (HiLung Inc, Kyoto, Japan): Innovative iPSc alveolar organoid as a model for pulmonary fibrosis drug discovery
10:45-11:00 Jane Davies: Disease modelling needs for cystic fibrosis research
11:00-11:15 Maike Haensel: 3D model to mimic the airway wall
11:15-11:45 Coffee break
11:45-12:00 Melis Dalbay: Developing signalome lung organoids for live imaging of senescence
12:00-12:15 Petr Sherin: Visualisation of pollution-induced changes in viscosity within membranes of epithelial lung cells at the air-liquid interface
12:15-12:30 Kazuhiro Ito: Industrial collaborations on airway and lung-on-chip models
12:30-12:45 Salvatore Simmini (R&D Stem Cell Technologies)
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:15 Group discussions
15:15-15:30 Summary from the groups and closing
15:30-16:30 Networking coffee and snacks