A 3-D chemistry-climate-aerosol model – SOCOL-AERv2 model (SOCOL = modeling tools for studies of SOlar Climate Ozone Links, AER = 2D aerosol model) – has been used to determine the response of stratospheric ozone to different types of volcanic eruptions in a contemporary atmosphere: water-rich Hunga-like eruptions, eruptions injecting SO2, and eruptions co-injecting halogens into the stratosphere. The dependence on latitude, season, and halogen and water content is discussed as well as the differences in the results for hemispherical and global impacts, comparing the impact of each eruption scenario on the aerosol loading of the atmosphere and stratospheric ozone layer. Changing the climate scenarios, the stratospheric impact of future volcanic eruptions is compared to the contemporary cases as well as comparing the differences between varying climate scenarios for eruptions occurring in the future toward the end of the century.

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