Pitch Day Event - Startups from the Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator
Join us for a Startup Spotlight dedicated to the voices of startups in the built environment! Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator brings together 24 clean technology startups & their teams under one roof to share their journey of innovation with the world. The Imperial College London-led programme is designed to support startups achieve their goals of delivering low-carbon innovation within London’s built environment.
What do innovators love (more than the technology)? 

To test as many hypotheses as possible, to bring new products that are market-fit, to find the right networks to pitch to and to build a community they relate with as they scale. The in-person event allows you to meet exciting businesses and hear live pitches on how they plan to make a relevant impact on London’s built environment. 

Who will you meet? 
Undaunted‘s ecosystem of diverse SMEs supported by investors, stakeholders, developers, local authorities, designers, policymakers and energy consultants. 
What’s in it for me? 
A sneak peek into climate innovations for the buildings we live in. Get insights from founders on technical innovations, testing and piloting, co-development and investment opportunities in London. The event is followed with an opportunity to network with investors and supporters of climate innovation that believe in the power of ambitious climate-positive startups.  


Time Activity
13:45 – 14:00 Arrivals 
14:0014:15  Welcome & Introduction 
14:2015:00 Pitch Session 1: Hear from 12 unique clean tech startups
15:10 – 15:30 Afternoon Break & Networking 
15:30 – 16:15 Pitch Session 2: Hear from 12 unique clean tech startups
16:20 Closing remarks 
16:30 Drinks & Networking  

How do I register?

This event is only open for startups that are a part of the Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator. For other interested groups such as investors, consultants, etc. please email undaunted@imperial.ac.uk to receive a link to register your interest.

Partners behind the accelerator 

Powered by Imperial College London, via Undaunted and Enterprise, the Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator is part of the Greater London Authority’s Better Futures programme, co-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

Logo with emblem and the words - Funded by UK Government

Logo with words - Supported by Mayor of London









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Undaunted is a partnership between Imperial’s Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment and The Royal Institution

Logos: Royal Institution, Imperial College London, Grantham Institute