Life-Cycle Analysis of Technologies with the GREET LCA Model

The Imperial Network of Excellence in Sustainability through Life Cycle Approaches will host Michael Wang, who will deliver a talk on GREET. 


Pursuit of sustainable transportation systems and energy systems requires evaluation of them in a holistic way with life-cycle analysis (LCA). LCA becomes especially important as new vehicle technologies and alternative transportation fuels are being promoted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and urban air emissions. In fact, LCA of transportation fuels and vehicle systems has a history of more than 30 years. Over this period, LCA methodologies have evolved and critical data have become readily available. This is especially true in the past ten years when LCA has been applied extensively to evaluation of new transportation fuels such biofuels, hydrogen, and electricity and advanced vehicle technologies such as battery electric vehicles and fuel-cell vehicles.

Since 1994, Argonne National Laboratory has been developing the Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies (GREET) model for LCA of transportation fuels and vehicle technologies. The GREET model is now being used by regulatory agencies including California Air Resources Board, the U.S. EPA, and the International Civil Aviation Organization of the UN. It is used to determine fiscal incentives of clean fuel production, clean hydrogen production, and sustainable aviation fuel production specified in the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act. At present, GREET has more than 63,000 registered users worldwide. This presentation will cover 1) GREET LCA modeling approach; 2) key issues affecting LCA results, and 3) LCA results for vehicle technologies and transportation fuels including electricity from various sources, biofuels from different feedstocks, and hydrogen from different energy resources.


Michael WangDr. Michael Wang is a Distinguished Fellow and the Director of the Systems Assessment Center at Argonne National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy. Dr. Wang leads the ongoing development of Argonne’s GREET model for life cycle analysis of transportation fuels, technologies, and energy systems (see for details). At present, there are more than 63,000 registered GREET users globally. The GREET model and its results have been used by agencies such as the California Air Resources Board, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and the hydrogen and fuel incentive provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act. Besides, the model and results are used by automotive companies, energy companies, biofuel producers, and others to address the greenhouse gas/environmental footprints of their businesses, products, and technologies.  

Dr. Wang is a fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers. He is on the editorial boards of four international journals. He has over 330 publications in the areas of transportation energy and environment effects.

Information for attendance

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