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Join IGHI’s Student Challenges Competition as finalists compete for our biggest prize yet, £10,000. The competition provides a platform for UK students to showcase their idea to improve global health and win money towards developing it further.

After pitches from the finalists and Q&As from the judges, the event will be followed by a drinks reception where the winners will be announced.

Register through Eventbrite now.

Meet the finalists:

1. Chiara Heide – Brightcure. Find out more about Chiara’s idea.

2. Aakeen Parikh – E.Wash. Find out more about Aakeen’s idea.

3. Woochan Hwang – Affect A.I. Find out more about Woochan’s idea.

4. Ana Pengelly – Predisure. Find out more about Ana’s idea.

5. Samyakh (Sam) Tukra – Third Eye Intelligence. Find out more about Sam’s idea.

6. Lotto Tsao – Ovolution  Find out more about Lotto’s idea.

7. Manfredi San Germano – Chlamydia rapid at home test. Find out more about Manfredi’s idea.

Meet the judges:

  • Dr Richard Smith, IGHI Visiting Professor 
  • Dr Ana Luisa Neves, M.D. and Research Fellow at the Institute of Global Health Innovation, co-founder of Momoby
  • Dr Na’eem Ahmed, Consultant Radiologist, Founder of Selfless, former Editorial Board member of Clinical Medicine
  • Prof Simone Buitendijk, Vice Provost for Education, Imperial College London

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