26th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics

To register for your ticket please visit the ICCT 2020 website

The conference is co-organised by Imperial College London and University College London.

It will take place at:

UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health

30 Guilford Street



United Kingdom

Abstract submission is open until 21 February 2020. Please visit the ICCT 2020 website for more information.


The conference is organised into eight symposia, each led by a plenary lecture and featuring two additional invited speakers. These symposia are:

  • Aqueous Solutions (Chair: Clare McCabe, Vanderbilt University, USA)

  • Biochemical & Pharmaceuticals Thermodynamics (Chair: Robin Curtis, University of Manchester, UK)

  • Energy & Environmental Thermodynamics (Chair: Felix Llovell, Barcelona, Spain)

  • Formulations & Advanced Materials (Chair: Flor Siperstein, University of Manchester, UK)

  • Ionic Liquids & Non-Conventional Solvents Systems (Chair: Agilio Padua, ENS de Lyon, France)

  • Phase Equilibria & Fluid Properties (Chair: Cara Schwarz, Stellenbosch University, South Africa)

  • Soft Matter, Colloids & Complex Fluids (Chair: Carlos Avendaño, University of Manchester, UK)

  • Surfaces, Interfaces & Confinement (Chair: Dan Siderius, NIST, USA)

Plenary speakers

Rossini Award Lecturer

Prof. George Jackson, Imperial College London, UK

Plenary Speakers

  • Prof. Sapna Sarupria, Clemson University, USA (Aqueous Systems)
  • Prof. Chris Roberts, University of Delaware, USA (Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Thermodynamics)
  • Prof. Ana Rita Duarte, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal (Energy & Environmental Thermodynamics)
  • To be announced (Formulations & Advanced Materials)
  • Prof. João A. P. Coutinho, University of Aveiro, Portugal (Ionic Liquids & Non-Conventional Solvents)
  • Prof. Markus Richter, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany (Phase Equilibria and Fluid Properties)
  • Dr Cecil Dreiss, Kings College London (Soft Matter, Colloids & Complex Fluids)
  • Prof. Francisco Hung: Northeastern University, USA (Surfaces, Interfaces & Confinement)