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Following Defra’s recent consultation, Improving water management to reduce waste and improve flood resilience, the Whitehall & Industry Group host a panel briefing that will explore reducing waste and improving flood resilience through better resource planning and regulation

At the event, the Grantham Institute will launch their latest briefing paper.

The discussion will cover:

  • The next policy steps for better water management and how the challenges of climate change and population growth can impact this
  • The impact of the new water management strategy on consumers and how the regulatory framework can mitigate this
  • The impact on the environment

You will hear from:

  • Margaret Read, Deputy Director for Water Services, Defra 
  • David Black, Senior Director, Water 2020, Ofwat
  • Jo Harrison, Asset Management Director, United Utilities
  • Nick Voulvoulis, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London

If you are interested in attending, please contact Laith Whitwham with your name, job title (or programme and level of study), organisation and email address.