Speaker: Nicola Perra, PhD (Associate Professor in Network Science Networks and Urban Systems Centre, University of Greenwich Business School)

Title: Modelling Contagion Processes on Complex Networks

Abstract: The spreading of infectious diseases, malwares, ideas, and memes  are just few examples of real world phenomena that can be modelled as contagion processes on complex networks. During the talk I will summarize some of my research in this area. In particular, I will show how network and data science can be used to i) forecast the spreading of infectious diseases ii) characterize contagion phenomena on time-varying networks iii) understand the effects of algorithmic personalization on opinion dynamics. 

Short Bio: Nicola Perra serves as Associate Professor in Network Science in Business School of Greenwich University in London and as Economic Graph Researcher at LinkedIn. His research focuses on human dynamics, dynamical processes on complex networks, big-data analytics, and mathematical/digital epidemiology. His research has been published in 53+ peer-reviewed journals, conferences, books, and books chapters.