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Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland and organised at Imperial Colege London by the Graduate School. The exercise challenges PhD students to present a compelling oration on their thesis topic and its significance in just three minutes. 3MT develops academic, presentation, and research communication skills and supports the development of research students’ capacity to effectively explain their research in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

All entrants will be given the opportunity to deliver their oration at the Imperial College Festival and the following prizes are available:

  • 1ST PRIZE – £500
  • 2ND PRIZE – £250
  • 3RD PRIZE – £125

This year’s competition is hosted by Professor Tom Welton, Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences, and the judges are as follows,

  • Rosie Waldron, Engagement Manager, Francis Crick Institute
  • Dr Helal Ahmed, Teaching Fellow and Public Engagement Champion at the Graduate School
  • Dr Amy Seakins, Engagement Coordinator for Evaluation & Impact at Imperial College London
  • Simon Schoeller, Last year’s 3MT winner and PhD student in the Department of Mathematics

Please click here to download a copy of the programme, which includes the names of all of the competitors.

If you would like to come along and watch our doctoral students face the challenge, please sign up for your free ticket by clicking on this link and completing the short, online form.