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About the talk

It is well established that failure data based on simple (uniaxial) coupon tests renders information of limited value with respect to understanding and explaining the in-situ failure behaviour experienced in complex full-scale composite structures subjected to multiaxial loading conditions. Moreover, computational predictions of the load response and failure behaviour of complex large-scale composite structures are typically based on input in the form of experimental data obtained from simple/conventional coupon tests. This makes the prediction of initiation and propagation of failure inaccurate and in many cases completely erroneous. There is a need for the development of high-fidelity mechanical testing methodologies that enables realization of realistic loading conditions on substructures/components that can be instrumented conveniently using state of the art full field imaging and sensor techniques, and which will generate sufficient data for providing a statistical base for design. This will enable the conduction of data rich testing that will include quantitative monitoring and assessment of the multiaxial load response, failure initiation and progression in complex composite structural assemblies. This in turn can be used to inform and validate computational models with an aim to improve their predictive capabilities, thus being a key facilitator for realizing the long-time vision of ‘virtual testing’. Based on recent research the presentation will outline a general methodology for high fidelity experimental characterization of complex composite substructures subjected to complex multiaxial loading conditions integrated with multi-scale modelling. Recent advances with full field imaging enabling generation of data-rich high-fidelity stress and strain data during testing on the structural scale will be discussed. The advantages of high-fidelity composite substructure/component testing and its integration with multi-scale modelling will be demonstrated through recent demonstrations involving composite aero-structures and wind turbine blade structures.