Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics across Scales
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics across Scales provides a world leading postgraduate education in fluid mechanics that breaks down the traditional barriers between different disciplines, with seven departments and over 60 academics involved.
The training and research programme combines a taught 'Master of Research' year, six months of which are devoted to a research project, with a three-year PhD-level research programme. The Centre will train 75 PhD students in the next five years.
Director of the CDT Professor Christos Vassilicos explains: “the CDT is predicated on the view that the subdivision of Fluid Mechanics by department and application area is artificial and not conducive to producing the best doctoral candidates. The core programme focuses on the concepts and techniques that underlie the discipline to create truly multidisciplinary training practised on state-of-the-art applications.”
The Centre, hosted at Imperial College London, currently has eighteen industrial partners that have declared their support for the CDT and offered to contribute studentships, part studentships, and a variety of benefits in kind including internships and commitment of time and expert manpower to teaching and project supervision.