We love working with talented researchers at undergradaute, postgraduate and post-doctoral levels. If you are interested in what we do and would like to join us, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Information on joining our Group

As UROP or visiting students

If you are interested in (ligno)cellulosic materials, nanocellulose, sustainability or polymer foams, please feel free to contact us to further discuss your research interest. Find out more about Imperial College London's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP). You can also reach out directly to us if you are interested in joining us as visiting students. 

As Masters students

It is possible to join our group once you are enrolled in one of our MSc courses or working on an MEng degree in the Department of Aeronautics! Please contact us for potential research topics.

As PhD/doctoral students

We currently have no open funded PhD/doctoral positions. Nevertheless, there are also a number scholarships that is available for home and international students. Feel free to contact us for further details.

As post-doctoral research associates

There are currently no open funded research associate positions in the Group but there are a number of competitive, externally funded Research Fellowships (e.g. RAEng, Newton Trust or ICRF etc.) that you could apply to join us. Feel free to discuss with us further. 

Still couldn't find what you are looking for?
If you have not found what you are looking for, feel free to and ask for other possibilities.