Short courses (CPD)
In addition to our undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses, Imperial College's Centre for Professional Development presents a diverse range of intensive short courses for professionals working in geotechnics.
These courses, given by leading authorities both from within and outside the College, provide the most up-to-date developments in specific areas of interest. Geotechnical courses are held annually, and are continually reviewed in order to maintain their cutting-edge content.
The courses are normally around 3-day long and are presented on campus in South Kensington, London. Participation is recognised through the award of a Certificate of Attendance.
The full set of courses offered by the Geotechnics group are:
- Foundations: Recent Developments in Analysis & Design
- Building Ground Models for Risk Assessment
- Earth Retaining Structures
- Earthworks and Embankments
- New Design Methods for Driven Piles in Sands & Clays
- Numerical Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering
- The Importance of Soil Suction
- Practical Seismic Design
- Advanced Soil Characterisation
For full information and details, please see the Departmental CPD webpage and the main Imperial College CPD Website.