All Imperial campuses and properties are smoke-free. This means that smoking by staff and students is not be permitted on or within 20 metres of College land.
This supports Imperial’s commitment to creating and maintaining a healthy environment for its community and visitors. Evidence shows that smoke-free policies are associated with reductions in the prevalence of smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke and fewer cigarettes smoked.
The Smoke Free Policy is in line with the NHS policy, which required all our hospital campuses to be smoke-free since 2015.
A range of support is available via the College and the NHS for staff and students considering quitting smoking. For example, staff and students can self-refer to Occupational Health to receive six free weekly sessions delivered by a trained advisor. Find out more
Questions & Answers
- How is the policy enforced?
- Why is smoking not permitted within 20 metres of campus perimeters?
- What about e-cigarettes?
- What about student events at Beit Quad?
- Where can people smoke?
We are asking all staff and students for help in implementing the policy but particularly staff in a management position to contribute to the enforcement of this policy, by politely asking anyone they see breaching it to desist.
Imperial’s responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Health Act 2006 mean that we have a duty to limit our community’s exposure to passive smoking.
The use of e-cigarettes is not permitted in any College buildings, or anywhere near entrances or air ducts where their emissions could enter buildings.
For reasons of practicality, smoking is permitted in Beit Quad, at least 5 metres away from the south wing, on Wednesday and Friday evenings during term-time when major ticketed events are being held.
We would encourage all smokers to consider accessing support to quit smoking. But for those students and staff who choose to smoke, the policy requires that they smoke off-campus and away from our buildings.
As our campuses are near residential homes, businesses and schools, we ask staff and students to be mindful of the health and well-being of our neighbours.
Support to help you stop smoking
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