
BibTex format

author = {Tumasyan, A and Adam, W and Andrejkovic, JW and Bergauer, T and Chatterjee, S and Damanakis, K and Dragicevic, M and Escalante, Del Valle A and Frühwirth, R and Jeitler, M and Krammer, N and Lechner, L and Liko, D and Mikulec, I and Paulitsch, P and Pitters, FM and Schieck, J and Schöfbeck, R and Schwarz, D and Templ, S and Waltenberger, W and Wulz, C-E and Chekhovsky, V and Litomin, A and Makarenko, V and Darwish, MR and De, Wolf EA and Janssen, T and Kello, T and Lelek, A and Rejeb, Sfar H and Van, Mechelen P and Van, Putte S and Van, Remortel N and Blekman, F and Bols, ES and D'Hondt, J and Delcourt, M and El, Faham H and Lowette, S and Moortgat, S and Morton, A and Müller, D and Sahasransu, AR and Tavernier, S and Van, Doninck W and Beghin, D and Bilin, B and Clerbaux, B and De, Lentdecker G and Favart, L and Grebenyuk, A and Kalsi, AK and Lee, K and Mahdavikhorrami, M and Makarenko, I and Moureaux, L and Pétré, L and Popov, A and Postiau, N and Starling, E and Thomas, L and Vanden},
doi = {10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137438},
journal = {Physics Letters B},
pages = {1--28},
title = {Evidence for WW/WZ vector boson scattering in the decay channelνqq produced in association with two jets in proton-proton collisionsat √s = 13 TeV},
url = {},
volume = {834},
year = {2022}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - Evidence is reported for electroweak (EW) vector boson scattering in the decay channel νqq of twoweak vector bosons WV (V = W or Z), produced in association with two parton jets. The search usesa data set of proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV collected with the CMS detector during 2016–2018with an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. Events are selected requiring one lepton (electron or muon),moderate missing transverse momentum, two jets with a large pseudorapidity separation and a large dijetinvariant mass, and a signature consistent with the hadronic decay of a W/Z boson. The cross section iscomputed in a fiducial phase space defined at parton level requiring all parton transverse momentapT > 10 GeV and at least one pair of outgoing partons with invariant mass mqq > 100 GeV. The measuredand expected EW WV production cross sections are 1.90+0.53−0.46 pb and 2.23+0.08−0.11(scale) ± 0.05(PDF) pb,respectively, where PDF is the parton distribution function. The observed EW signal strength is μEW =0.85 ± 0.12 (stat)+0.19−0.17 (syst), corresponding to a signal significance of 4.4 standard deviations with 5.1expected, and it is measured keeping the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) associated diboson productionfixed to the standard model prediction. This is the first evidence of vector boson scattering in the νqqdecay channel at LHC. The simultaneous measurement of the EW and QCD associated diboson productionagrees with the standard model prediction.
AU - Tumasyan,A
AU - Adam,W
AU - Andrejkovic,JW
AU - Bergauer,T
AU - Chatterjee,S
AU - Damanakis,K
AU - Dragicevic,M
AU - Escalante,Del Valle A
AU - Frühwirth,R
AU - Jeitler,M
AU - Krammer,N
AU - Lechner,L
AU - Liko,D
AU - Mikulec,I
AU - Paulitsch,P
AU - Pitters,FM
AU - Schieck,J
AU - Schöfbeck,R
AU - Schwarz,D
AU - Templ,S
AU - Waltenberger,W
AU - Wulz,C-E
AU - Chekhovsky,V
AU - Litomin,A
AU - Makarenko,V
AU - Darwish,MR
AU - De,Wolf EA
AU - Janssen,T
AU - Kello,T
AU - Lelek,A
AU - Rejeb,Sfar H
AU - Van,Mechelen P
AU - Van,Putte S
AU - Van,Remortel N
AU - Blekman,F
AU - Bols,ES
AU - D'Hondt,J
AU - Delcourt,M
AU - El,Faham H
AU - Lowette,S
AU - Moortgat,S
AU - Morton,A
AU - Müller,D
AU - Sahasransu,AR
AU - Tavernier,S
AU - Van,Doninck W
AU - Beghin,D
AU - Bilin,B
AU - Clerbaux,B
AU - De,Lentdecker G
AU - Favart,L
AU - Grebenyuk,A
AU - Kalsi,AK
AU - Lee,K
AU - Mahdavikhorrami,M
AU - Makarenko,I
AU - Moureaux,L
AU - Pétré,L
AU - Popov,A
AU - Postiau,N
AU - Starling,E
AU - Thomas,L
AU - Vanden,Bemden M
AU - Vander,Velde C
AU - Vanlaer,P
AU - Cornelis,T
AU - Dobur,D
AU - Knolle,J
AU - Lambrecht,L
AU - Mestdach,G
AU - Niedziela,M
AU - Roskas,C
AU - Samalan,A
AU - Skovpen,K
AU - Tytgat,M
AU - Vermassen,B
AU - Wezenbeek,L
AU - Benecke,A
AU - Bethani,A
AU - Bruno,G
AU - Bury,F
AU - Caputo,C
AU - David,P
AU - Delaere,C
AU - Donertas,IS
AU - Giammanco,A
AU - Jaffel,K
AU - Jain,S
AU - Lemaitre,V
AU - Mondal,K
AU - Prisciandaro,J
AU - Taliercio,A
AU - Teklishyn,M
AU - Tran,TT
AU - Vischia,P
AU - Wertz,S
AU - Alves,GA
AU - Hensel,C
AU - Moraes,A
AU - Rebello,Teles P
AU - Aldá,Júnior WL
AU - Alves,Gallo Pereira M
AU - Barroso,Ferreira Filho M
AU - Brandao,Malbouisson H
AU - Carvalho,W
AU - Chinellato,J
AU - Da,Costa EM
AU - Da,Silveira GG
AU - De,Jesus Damiao D
AU - Fonseca,De Souza S
AU - Mora,Herrera C
AU - Mota,Amarilo K
AU - Mundim,L
AU - Nogima,H
AU - Santoro,A
AU - Silva,Do Amaral SM
AU - Sznajder,A
AU - Thiel,M
AU - Torres,Da Silva De Araujo F
AU - Vilela,Pereira A
AU - Bernardes,CA
AU - Calligaris,L
AU - Fernandez,Perez Tomei TR
AU - Gregores,EM
AU - Lemos,DS
AU - Mercadante,PG
AU - Novaes,SF
AU - Padula,SS
AU - Aleksandrov,A
AU - Antchev,G
AU - Hadjiiska,R
AU - Iaydjiev,P
AU - Misheva,M
AU - Rodozov,M
AU - Shopova,M
AU - Sultanov,G
AU - Dimitrov,A
AU - Ivanov,T
AU - Litov,L
AU - Pavlov,B
AU - Petkov,P
AU - Petrov,A
AU - Cheng,T
AU - Javaid,T
AU - Mittal,M
AU - Yuan,L
AU - Ahmad,M
AU - Bauer,G
AU - Dozen,C
AU - Hu,Z
AU - Martins,J
AU - Wang,Y
AU - Yi,K
AU - Chapon,E
AU - Chen,GM
AU - Chen,HS
AU - Chen,M
AU - Iemmi,F
AU - Kapoor,A
AU - Leggat,D
AU - Liao,H
AU - Liu,Z-A
AU - Milosevic,V
AU - Monti,F
AU - Sharma,R
AU - Tao,J
DO - 10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137438
EP - 28
PY - 2022///
SN - 0370-2693
SP - 1
TI - Evidence for WW/WZ vector boson scattering in the decay channelνqq produced in association with two jets in proton-proton collisionsat √s = 13 TeV
T2 - Physics Letters B
UR -
UR -
UR -
VL - 834
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