Opportunities to work with us
We do not have any paid open position for the moment
The group is always recruiting Imperial and international MSc students with a background in data science, machine learning, biomedical imaging, or bioinformatics, to work with us for their Master thesis. No financial compensation can be provided. MSc projects are based in the South Kensington campus, in the Sir Alexander Fleming Building. All projects are performed in collaboration with clinicians/biologists.
We also have projects available in the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Healthcare (CDT AI4Health) and the Stratified Medicine Graduate Training Program (STRATiGRAD).
Finally, Imperial College also has access to the following CDT relevant to our domain:
- the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Modern Statistics & Statistical Machine Learning (StatML)
- the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging (CDT SmaMedIm);
- the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology (CDT Neurotechnology);
- the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in High-Performance Embedded and Distributed Systems (CDT HPEDS).
- the Wellcome Trust PhD Programme in Theoretical Systems Biology and Bioinformatics (WT-TSBB)
Current topics of MSc research projects:
- Association of phenotypic & brain MRI data to study addiction disorders
- Deep-learning and Topic modeling for Genomic-Imaging on Alzheimer Disease
- Machine-Learning on lung CT scans for complex diffuse pathologies
- Machine-Learning on neonatal-care medical records, for subtyping of care and detection of unusual variants.
- GAN for cardiac CT scans and for brain tumour images.
- Machine-Learning on liver ultrasound for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and carcinoma.
- UKBiobank: getting the big picture on the phenotypic data.
- Machine-Learning on gene expression data for Lymphoma patient stratification.
Use of NLP & Graphical Models for cancer biomarker assesment.