
Departments of Mathematics and Aeronautics at Imperial College London

School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering at City University London

Airbus Group Innovations

image LFC-UK is a collaborative research programme led by the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College.  It is funded by a £4.2 million Programme Grant from EPSRC, with a further £1.5 million from Airbus and other industrial partners.  Collaboration with the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial and the Aeronautics Centre at City University delivers research that is shaped by the needs of industry partners.

The objective of the programme is to develop the underpinning technology for Laminar Flow Control (LFC), the technology of drag reduction on aircraft. The programme is based around a unique team of researchers covering all theoretical, computational, and experimental aspects of the problem together with the necessary expertise to make sure the work can be deployed by industry. Our partnership with most notably Airbus Group Innovations will put the UK aeronautics industry in the lead to develop the new generation of LFC wings.
