Facility Guidelines


  • Access to the facility is open to all college staff and post-graduate students.
  • Usage for researchers from outside of Imperial College is possible. Please contact us to discuss any potential projects.
  • Usage of any of the facility mass spectrometers is permissible after personal training from a member of the facility staff.
  • Training in the usage of MS Instrumentation may be provided, depending on project requirements.
Instrument access charges
  • All MS instrument access is charged on an hourly rate, based on Full Economic Cost (FEC) calculations.
  • From the 1st September 2017, instrument access and associated charging will be via the PPMS facility management system.
  • The charge out rates  for grant applications can be found at the following link - Charge out rates for Grant Applications.
  • A detailed explanation of facility and equipment costs can be found on the Research Support web site: Equipment and facilities.


All MS instrument access is charged on an hourly rate, based on Full Economic Cost (FEC) calculations. These include service contracts, space charges, maintenance, software licenses, consumables, salaries etc.  For current charge-out rates and any other questions regarding MS access charges, please contact Paul Hitchen.

Acknowledgement in publications

The CISBIO MS facility is funded by a variety of sources (Research Councils, College etc.) to whom we are accountable. They require acknowledgement of their funding in publications. This means that all internal users are required to acknowledge any CISBIO MS facility usage and training in their publications.

A sample phrase would be : "Mass spectrometry was performed at the CISBIO mass spectrometry core facility, managed by Dr Paul Hitchen, at Imperial College London".

Useful Links

CISBIO Mass Spectrometry/Proteomics Core Facility site: