Computer Science Department, Faculty of Media
Speaker Bio-Sketch: Bernd Fröhlich is a full professor of Computer Science at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. He is chair of the Virtual Reality and Visualization Re-search Group [] which focuses on basic and applied research in multi-user virtual reality and 3D user interfaces, visualization and rendering algorithms for very large datasets as well as information visualization. After completing his PhD in computer science at the Technical University of Braunschweig, he worked at the German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD) and was a research associate with the computer science department at Stanford University. He was a cofounder and member of the steering committee of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, chair of the steering committee of the IEEE Virtual Reality conference from 2014 to 2018 and received the 2008 IEEE Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award. Froehlich serves as an associate editor of the journal Frontiers in Virtual Environments.
Talk: Collaboration in Virtual Reality
Friday 14th of June 2019, at 10am
Dep. of Chemical Engineering, LT2 (ACE Building)
Immersive telepresence allows distributed groups of users to meet in a shared virtual 3D world []. Our approach uses two coupled projection-based multi-user setups, each providing multiple users with perspectively correct stereoscopic images. At each site, the users and their local interaction space are continuously captured using a cluster of registered depth and color cameras. The captured 3D information is transferred to the respective other location, where the remote participants are virtually reconstructed in life-size. Local and remote users can jointly or independently explore virtual environments and virtually meet face-to-face for discussions. We structure collaborative activities of collocated and remote users using Photoportals. Virtual photos and videos serve as three-dimensional references to objects, places, moments in time and activities of users. They can be shared among users and serve as portals to the captured information. Our Photoportals also provide access to intermediate or alternative versions of a scenario and allow the review of recorded task sequences that include life-size representations of captured users.
Check out our Toutube video on using VR in fluid dynamics and engineering education at the department of Chemical Engineering , Imperial College London:
We are looking for a part-time editorial assistant to work with our group on manuscripts and the production of figures for publication. Please contact Prof. Matar for details.
Final open access version on Dynamics of liquid–liquid flows in horizontal pipes using simultaneous two–line planar laser–induced fluorescence and particle velocimetry.
Happy international Women In Science day. Celebrate their achievements in science that have changed the world.
Group presentations at the APS-DFD 2017
A7.00007 Counter-current thermocapillary migration of bubbles in self-rewetting liquids
F7.00004 Non-isothermal bubble rise dynamics in a self-rewetting fluid
F12.00002 Lubrication model for evaporation of binary sessile drops
F7.00008 Dynamics of the liquid film around elongated bubbles rising in vertical capillaries
A13.00002 Numerical investigation of drop impact on controlled films using a massively parallelised DNS code: Blue
A13.00003 Effect of film control on low inertia drops impacting a flowing film
A13.00004 Numerical simulation of drop impact on interfaces with surfactant effects
A13.00006 Impact of droplets on surfaces of immiscible liquid films
A15.00002 Microfluidic emulsification at cross-junction: experimental and numerical study using Blue
D6.00003 Direct simulation of fluid-structure interaction with Blue
D6.00007 Numerical investigation of adhesion effects on solid particles filtration efficiency
D14.00005 Determination of the shear and bulk viscosity from equilibrium molecular-dynamics simulations
E1.00001 Mixing liquid-liquid stratified flows using transverse jets in cross flows
E7.00004 Vortex-Induced Waves in Two-Phase Liquid-Liquid Flows past Bluff Body
F6.00008 Dependence of surface tension on curvature obtained from a diffuse-interface approach
F7.00007 The shape and motion of gas bubbles in a liquid flowing through a thin annulus
F12.00006 Structure evolution in the evaporation of complex fluids
F21.00006 Direct numerical simulation of three-dimensional liquid jet breakup
F21.00007 Direct numerical simulation of annular flows
F21.00008 Direct numerical simulation of annular flows with surfactants
G12.00006 Emulsion droplet interactions: a front-tracking treatment
G22.00005 Three dimensional massively-parallel simulation of falling liquid films
G38.00004 Multi-scale strategies for dealing with moving contact lines
KP1.00126 Working research codes into fluid dynamics education: a science gateway approach
L20.00008 Multiphase three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of a rotating impeller with code Blue
L37.00004 Simulation of `cavern’ formation in the mixing of viscoplastic fluids
M25.00005 Oil-Water Flow Investigations using Planar-Laser Induced Fluorescence and Particle Velocimetry
Q6.00002 Three-dimensional linear stability analysis of a rising Taylor Bubble
Q6.00005 Flash nano-precipitation of polymer blends: a role for fluid flow?
Q7.00003 LES of stratified-wavy flows using novel near-interface treatment
Q7.00004 A hybrid interface tracking-level set technique for multiphase flow with soluble surfactant in Blue
Q10.00005 3D numerical simulations of oblique droplet impact onto a deep liquid pool
Q11.00010 Low-order modelling of a drop on a highly-hydrophobic substrate: statics and dynamics
Q21.00008 Modelling of cracking in evaporating, particle-laden sessile drops
Q22.00003 Artificial neural network for simulation of thin liquid films over spinning discs
Q22.00005 Reduced-order models for two-phase annular flows in vertical pipes
Q38.00011 Swelling of static and evolving polymer networks during frontal photopolymerisation3D Navier-Stokes simulation of falling filn using code BLUE.
Prof Wei-Lun Hsu from the University of Tokyo giving a talk onElectrokinetic phenomena in nanopores and nanofluidics.
Abstracts submitted to ACS National Meeting in New Orleans March 2018 on Petronas funded work on sand control, and wax inhibition.
MUFFINS Research will soon recruit best 5 postdoc to University of Newcastle, MatarLab and Cranfield University: #multiphase #FIV #VIV #FSI in #subsea #eng
Hannah, Mohammed, and Usmaan: welcome to the Group! PHD projects on Solar power, Multiphase Flow and Graphene Scaleup.
Stuart with his entry on jet mixing at Science Home student photo and image competition organised by @ImperialChemEng @ImpEngineering
Our droplet impact on controlled flowing liquid films paper will make inside cover of Sofmater.
Our video for the @APSMeetings #DFD #Fluid Motion entry. #apsdfd #fluiddynamics @UKFluidsNetwork @ImperialChemEng
£1.6m #MUltiphase Flow-induced Fluid-flexible #structure InteractioN in #Subsea applications (MUFFINS) funded by EPSRC.
Group Party 2017
It's great to have Prof Mike Graham from univ. of Wisconsin visiting our group and giving a talk on margination in blood flow.
Lyes from our group running Hastings Half Marathon.
Prof Ranga Narayanan from Univ. of Florida visiting the group and giving a talk on phase change instabilities.
Join Nature Communications paper with MIT and Univ. of Edinburgh: Dynamics and Universal Scaling Law in Geometrically-Controlled Sessile Drop Evaporation.
Paper on the nature of slip at interfaces, submitted to Phys. Rev. Fluids: Molecular Dynamics Simulations & Continuum Modelling.
Paper on CFD simulations of crudeoil fouling in heat exchangers, submitted to Chem. Eng. Journal.
Prof. O. K. Matar to give keynote at CFD 2017 conference in Trondheim on the Memphis Program work on multiphase flows.
Talk with Alex Wray on control of evaporating particulate drops with electric fields: accepted BIFD 2017.
Abstract for talk on BLUE: A High Performance Code for Simulation of Complex Multiphase Flows, ICNMMF-III: accepted.
Paper on doubly-excited waves on thin films flowing down an incline: experiments & numerics, submitted to Phys. Rev. E.
Great talk by Prof. Tryggvason on DNS of complex multiphase flows.
The group welcomes our visitor Prof. Gretar Tryggvason here 20-21 Feb. Seminar on 21st: 11-12 Room C615.
Interface-tracking of multiphase flows with soluble surfactant submetted.
Bulk advection in coalescing drops: varying surface tension, submitted
We welcome to the group Andrius, Assen, and Jason!
We wish Dr. Alex Wray the very best of luck at the University of Strathclyde. We know he will be a star!
Paper with Pedro Saenz, Che Zhizhao, Alex Wray, Sefiane, Valluri on evaporating drops to appear in Nature Comms.
Paper with Manuela Nania on sub-100nm wrinkling out now in Nanoscale
Paper by Aran Uppal of group & FluidsCDT on dynamics of spreading thixotropic drops accepted in J non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.
Dr. Che zhizhao formerly of group and Memphis Program selected "1000-talents Plan" for young researchers in China. Congratulations!!
Paper by Dr. Alex Wray "reduced models for thick inertial liquid layers on highly curved substrates" accepted in SIAM J App Math.
Nice christmas present from Imperial College. President's Medal for Outstanding Research Team for UNIHEAT project.
Paper on simulations of drop impact in gas-liquid annular flows by Zhi of submitted to Chem Eng Sci.
Our latest paper on Langevin model for fluctuating contact angles using MD: Soft Matter front cover.
Great lineup of talks at the drop impact meeting organised by CEMS. Drop Impact: from Coalescence to Splashing.
Our paper on Langevin model for fluctuating contact angle with Molecular dynamics. A Langevin Model for Fluctuating Contact Angle Behaviour Parametrised using Molecular Dynamics.
The Royal Academy of Emgineering awards Prof. Omar Matar, a Research Chair in Multiphase Fluid Dynamics, co-funded by Petronas.
Travers Xiao joins our goup to work on non-intrusive reduced-order modelling in multiphase flows, part of the MEMPHIS.
Aditya Karnik joins our goup to work on hybrid methods to simulate stratified-dispersed multiphase flow regime transitions, part of the MEMPHIS.
New member in our group. Ricardo Constante-Amores will work on 3D CFD simulations of turbulent jet breakup funded by BP-ICAM.
Paper by Aran Uppal on the spreading of a thixotropic sessile droplet, submitted to J non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.
Paper by Zhizhao Che on droplet impact on thin films with surfactant effects submitted to Soft Matter
Paper by Zhi Xie on three-phase flow simulations using adaptive, unstructured meshes submitted to J. Comp. Phys.
Paper by Alex Wray on electrified falling films now submitted to Phys Rev Fluids.
Three dimensional simulations of an electrified falling film.
IJMF paper On the role of buoyancy-driven instabilities in horizontal liquid–liquid flow now online.
Shaking drop DNS with BLUE
Check out the work of Dr. Edward Smith from Molecular Fluid Dynamics.
Molecular Fluid Dynamics
Dr. Eric Lauga will be visiting the group this Friday. Seminar at 3 pm in lecture theatre 2 in @ICChemEng. Outstanding talk by Eric Lauga on bio-locomotion.
All our abstracts for APS-DFD accepted. Looking forward to our trip to Portland Oregon.
Alex Wray will join Mathematics deptartment of Strathclyde university as a lecturer in Jan. 2017. Congratulations Alex! We will miss you.
Inaugural UK Fluids Conference. Intro by Prof. Christos Vassilicos.
BP funded 4-year PhD available on Multi-phase Modelling of Oil-Water Droplet Size Distributions.
Paper on A balanced-force control volume finite element method for interfacial flows with surface tension using adaptive anisotropic unstructured meshes by Zhi now on line.
Video of prof. Omar Matar speaking about the MEMPHIS-Program at BIRS-EPIC workshop.
Video of talk given by Alex at BIRS-EPIC workshop on Low-order modelling of thick films on highy curved substrates.
BIRS-EPIC workshop, co-organised by prof. Omar Matar. Group photo and information:
Kyeong Hyeon (UCL-MEMPHIS) presenting at Petroleum Engineering Conference 2016
Prof. Chris Floudas of Princeton, Texas A&M has passed. A leading light in math modelling has gone out forever. RIP
Final day of #BIRS-EPIC workshop Alex and Zhi have excellent talks about analysis and reduction, and direct numerical simulations.
Zhi taking centre stage at BIRS-EPIC, Banff, Alberta.
Alex and Zhi relaxing at (big!!) dinner following BIRS-EPIC Worksop Day 3.
Day Two and Three of EPIC workshop.
Day One of Enabling Process Innovation through Computation at Banff, Alberta. Live stream:
20 years of Transient Multiphase Flows: celebration conference at ChemEng on 13 September 2016. TMF-20Y
Lyes Kahouadji presenting a poster for the 10 years anniversary of HPC service of Imperial College London.
Manuela Nania from our group presenting her work on Fabrication of soft functional surfaces via wrinkling at the Chemical Engineering PhD Symposium. Congratulation for the Best presentation award (student choice).
Really worth a read from Kate Stebe's group in Soft Matter.
Ed Smith from the group to attend workshop on multi scale hybrid simulation methods.
New article with George Karapetsas and Kirti Sahu on "Evaporation of sessile droplets with particles & insoluble surfactants" accepted in Langmuir.
Congratulations UNIHEAT team won the imperial college president's Award for excellence in research. Matar Fluids Group proud to be in UNIHEAT team.
Inspirational plenary by Antonio Neto from NUS on #2D materials at the European Graphene Forum in Paris #EGF2016 @2DResearch
End of Day One of the European Graphene Forum 2016 A couple of good ideas on scale up of graphene production. @2DResearch
Zhi presenting at ICMF 2016 : "Oblique Impact of Droplets on Flowing Liquid Films"
Keynote of prof. O. Matar at ICMF 2016 : "The next-generation predictive tools for Multiphase Flows".
First plenary: Detlef Lohse on nano-bubbles and nano-droplets ICMF 2016
At ICMF 2016 reception
The Group ready for the ICMF 2016 in Florence. Prof. O. k. Matar to give first keynote lecture on Memphis Program at 14.00 in Villa-Auditorium. Details of all Matar Labs talks are here
Alex Wray from our group captain at roller derby.
See Alex interview at the time 1:26:03 :)
Paper with Prof. Erich Muller and Miss Frederike Jaeger on water transport through graphene-based membranes accepted for Applied Materials & Interfaces is is now out (link).
Congratulations to Aran ( MRes) and Alex (PhD) from our group for the graduation.
Numerical simulation of Taylor bubbles using adaptive unstructured meshes accepted as a short talk at ICTAM2016 in Montreal August 21-26 2016.
The Group will take part in 1st Workshop on Advances in CFD & MD modelling Interface Dynamics in Capillary Two-Phase Flows 3-7 Oct. Lausanne
Massively parallel direct numerical simulation of 3D jet flows accepted as Oral presentation at ICTAM2016 in Montreal August 21-26 2016.
Paper with Prof. Erich Muller and Miss Frederike Jaeger on water transport through graphene-based membranes accepted for Applied Materials & Interfaces. Link to follow shortly.
Congratulations to Zhi for gaining access to ARCHER.
Matt and Lyes about to give their talk at postdoc symposium in ICChemEng.
Matt Hennessy and Lyes Kahouadji from the group to give talks at the postdoc symposium in ICChemEng.
Getting ready to host the Transient Multiphase Flow Consortium two-day sponsors' meeting.
Paper with Garbin Lab (lead) on micro-bubble induced surface waves in viscoelastic layers out in Soft Matter.
Three dimensional simulations of an electrified falling film by Alex Wray.
Happy easter to all students, staff, and collaborators.
The award-winning photo of a rotating viscoelastic jet. A photo of a viscoelastic rotating jet by Che has won first place in the EPSRC Photo Competition. Congratulations Che!!
This has been covered as follows so far: EPSRC (press release), The Guardian, The Irish Examiner, The Daily Mail, BT.
Congratulations to Manuela Nania from the group on becoming Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy!
Paper on influence of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities on liquid-liquid pipe flows submitted to Int. J. Multiphase Flows.
Paper on modelling an evaporating sessile droplet laden with particles and insoluble surfactant submitted to Langmuir.
Three dimensional direct numerical simulation of a liquid thread pinch-off.
Liquid thread pinch-off
Well done to Souro who is doing his MSc on a Shell-funded project in the group.
Feynman lectures Essential physics taught by a 'natural'.
Great work by the Christos N. Markides group. Most Downloaded Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Articles.
Looking forward to EPSRC FluidsCDT Student Symposium on 28 June.
Paper on exploiting wrinkling to measure mechanical properties of drying thin films out with Manuela Nania and the Cabral group.
Numerical simulation of water droplet impacting on a thin water film surrounded by steam at 70 bar showing the adaptive unstructured mesh. The color bar shows the distance normal to the thin film.
Numerical simulation of water droplet impacting on a thin water film surrounded by air at atmospheric pressure showing the adaptive unstructured mesh. The color bar shows the distance normal to the thin film.
Numerical simulation of an air bubble of diameter 0.011 m inside an oil and water system: first row shows the numerical results along the central plane for air (red), water (blue) and oil (green) system; second row shows the adpative mesh corresponding to the first row; third row shows the numerical results in a 3D side view.
Numerical simulation of ligament formation and atomisation of water issuing from a nozzle of diameter 7.8 mm surrounded by air of annular thickness 1.7 mm; the water and gas velocities are 0.5 m/s and 15 m/s, respectively.
New Marie Curie Fellow, Jason Stafford, to join the group over the summer.
Paper by Zhi Xie on FEM for interfacial flows with surface tension using adaptive anisotropic unstructured meshes submitted to Comp & Fluids.
Paper on accurate modelling of thick liquid layers on highly curved substrates at moderate Re by Alex Wray submitted to SIAM.
Gearing up to attend the Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer meeting. OKM to give a keynote.
Another Langmuir paper accepted with Manuela Nania and the Cabral group. Details to follow.
Happy Chinese New Year to all our students and collaborators. The Year Of The Monkey
Simulation of multiphase flows paper in Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids funded by EPSRC Programme Grant MEMPHIS.
Complex cross junction microchannel
Lyes awarded for presenting his work at Chemcon 2015.
Find out why Prof. O. K. Matar says we must look beyond empirical correlations in multiphase flows.