Departmental Assessment Process (DAP)

Pre-application contact

Applicants must contact us in the earliest stages of preparing a fellowship application

Brittany Rae
 Research Finance Manager
 Department of Materials
 +44 (0)20 7594 7229

Imperial Postdoc Development Centre

Independent research fellowships are of enormous value to the Department of Materials in enabling us to recruit and retain outstanding researchers, especially at an early stage of their careers, and in facilitating the introduction and development of complementary research to that already carried out within the Department. Prestigious research fellowships are also of significant benefit to the Department in terms of renewal, prestige, and academic impact and are, therefore, positively and enthusiastically supported

We actively welcome early career fellowship applicants to the following schemes:

  • EPSRC Early Career Fellowship*
  • EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship*
  • Royal Society University Research Fellowship
  • Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship
  • Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship
  • Imperial College Research Fellowship

We also support mobility fellowship applicants to schemes such as the:

  •  Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
  •  Royal Society Newton International Fellowship

Information for fellowship applicants

In writing an application or considering the Department of Materials at Imperial College London as the host institution, you should ensure your research activity compliments the Department’s research portfolio

*On 2 October 2024, the EPSRC announced that it was pausing most of its fellowship schemes with a closing date for new applications of 12 December 2024. Please contact Brittany Rae ASAP if you are intending to apply. More information can be found on the EPSRC website.

Department Assessment Process (DAP)

Some fellowship applications must first go through an internal process called the Departmental Assessment Process (DAP). This allows us to make an initial assessment of the suitability of your application with regard to the Department's ability to support the fellowship you wish to apply to and to ensure that it fits our research strategy.  Potential applicants must contact Brittany Rae, Research Finance Manager, Department of Materials in the first instance.  >> More about DAP

Current Open Calls: