Virtual open day talk 2024
"We hope the recent advances in Material Science and Engineering will lead to innovative solutions to some of the challenges we face in industries such as healthcare, energy, sustainable environment, transport, telecommunications and many more. We encourage applications from all those who want to be part of this community and learn to be pioneering, entrepreneurial and be a team player without losing their individuality" - Dr Priya Saravanapavan, Undergraduate Admissions Tutor
As an admission tutor, I am looking for applicants who are passionate about:
- studying the different aspects of materials to develop their knowledge and understanding of the discipline.
- becoming an integral part of our small ‘Imperial Materials’ community.
- willing to contribute to the social aspects of our wider college community.
Our undergraduate courses and how to apply
Materials Science and Engineering |
BEng - UCAS JF52 - ECTS: 180 - 3 yrs |
MEng - UCAS JFM2 - ECTS: 240 - 4 yrs |
As our flagship degree programme, the core modules taught across the first three years underpin the foundations of the discipline: processing, structure, properties and performance. There are opportunities in the final years to tailor-make your studies by choosing optional modules that map onto the Department's research themes. |
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering |
In the third year of this degree and in addition to core Materials topics, you study cell biology, biocompatibility and biomaterials for hard tissue restoration. In the final year, there are specialist modules covering biomaterials for soft tissue restoration, tissue engineering and artificial organs, including many detailed case studies. |
Materials with Nuclear Engineering |
MEng - UCAS J5H8 - ECTS: 240 - 4 yrs |
Materials are central to the nuclear industry, both in designing reactor parts that are safe under irradiation, and in handling and processing waste. This degree combines modules in metals, glasses and ceramics with a focused introduction to nuclear engineering taught by specialists from across Imperial. You will be expected to conduct a research project that should be nuclear-focused. |
Our Modules
The first two years of all our degree programmes are identical: they complete the same equally weighted modules. In Years 3 and 4, you are able to complete optional modules with some core modules. Some of these optional modules are compulsory for certain degree programmes. Further details of optional modules can be found on the study pages for each course.
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Maths and Computing I
Structure I
Properties I
Processing I
Performance of Structural Materials
Engineering Practice I
Maths and Computing II
Structure II
Properties II
Processing II
Performance of Functional Materials
Engineering Practice II
Year 3
Year 4 |
Materials Processing
Processing Laboratory
Theory & Simulation of Materials
Business for Materials Science and Engineering
Research Techniques
Engineering Alloys from Theory to Application
Ceramics and Glasses
Surfaces and Interfaces
Optoelectonic Materials
Maths and Quantum
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear Chemical Engineering
BS0820 Innovation Management
BS0806 Entrepreneurship
Individual Research Project
An Introduction to Density Functional Theory
Advanced Engineering Alloys
Advanced Nanomaterials
Advanced Structural Ceramics
Advanced Biomaterials
Tissue Engineering
Nuclear Materials
Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
Reactor Physics
If you are interested in applying to one of our programmes, please read the following guidelines to help with your application.
How do we teach?
- There are taught elements throughout the year and your workload is spread over the year.
- 11-week Autumn and Spring terms and an 8-week Summer term.
- Our core hours are 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Wednesdays are always a half-day with 12:00 finish.
- A mixture of lectures, workshops, tutorials, laboratory classes and engineering practices.
- Collaborative working through project and group work in laboratories.
- Modular courses - with exams and assessments are held in December, March and June.
A typical week in Years 1 and 2 has about 27 hours of contact time. This is similar to a U.K secondary school where you have 25 hours of study a week.
- 15 hours of lectures (3 hours per day)
- 4 hours Engineering Practice (which consists of teamwork in a company of 12)
- 4 hours laboratory classes (where students work in pairs)
- 3 hours of workshops (which involves problem-solving sessions with 20-25 students)
- 1 hour of personal or academic tutorial in groups of four.
If you are interested in applying to one of our programmes, please read the following guidelines to help with your application.
How and when to apply
Our intake is in October each year. Applications are made through UCAS by 18:00 (UK Time) on Wednesday 29 January 2025
- All applications received at UCAS by the above date are given equal consideration.
- We do not accept "Late" or "Extra" applicants.
- We do not take applicants through UCAS Clearing.
- Your application will only be considered for one of our programmes – please do not apply to multiple Materials programmes. The first two years of all our programmes are common and the entry requirements are the same – you will be able to change the programme of study until the start of your third year of study.
The application process
After you have sent your application to UCAS, they complete basic checks and forward this to the College. After this, it can take up to two weeks for the application to be processed by our central admissions team, and if it meets our threshold entry requirements, they pass it to the Department of Materials for further assessment.
We look at your academic record and predicted grades. We read your personal statement and the academic reference. Please see our personal statement and reference tab for more information.
If you look likely to meet our entry requirements, and your personal statement shows a clear motivation for Materials Science and Engineering, we will invite you to participate in an interview at Imperial College London or by MS Teams. Please see our interview tab for more information.
Direct entrants or transfer students
We are unable to accept direct entrants or transfer students from other courses onto higher (second/third/fourth) years however are happy to consider transfers if you are willing to start in year 1. If you are a student at Imperial College London, please contact us directly. If you are from another institution, please apply via UCAS.
- A in Mathematics
- A in either Physics or Chemistry
- A in a useful subject (listed below)
Useful subjects
- Art
- Biology
- Computing
- Design and Technology
- Economics
- Electronics
- English Language
- English Literature
- Further Mathematics
- Geography
- History
- Languages
- Music
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Psychology
*A-levels in foreign languages that are studied in the applicant’s native language will not be considered towards the entry requirements
Making a Strong Application
Personal statement
The personal statement is very important as it helps us assess your interest in the subject. We want to hear why you are interested in the course and details of any skills, interests and attributes you have that demonstates aptitude, motivation and interest in the course.
1. Motivation to study
Motivation to study Materials Science and Engineering is very important. I know some of our applicants may also be applying to other subjects such as chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering etc. If you are that applicant, I would like to see you link that subject to Materials and why you have chosen it as one of your five.
2. Awareness of course
Some applicants apply because they like Maths, Chemistry and Physics. I would like to see this linked to Materials Science. For example – you might have completed a chemistry practical in class that really interested you, link it to materials, tell us why it interested you and any follow-up you may have done.
3. Super Curricular activities
This should NOT have to be expensive and competitive. This could include further reading you may have done (books, podcasts, TED talks, and listening to some of the lectures available on our website). There are also free EdX or Coursera courses that may be of interest to you.
4. Engineering Experience
I would like to know whether you are interested in the engineering aspects of the course – are you hands on? This could be as simple as repairing a household item or building something simple for a DT project at school. If you have managed to gain work experience that is great, but this is not essential.
5. Personal Interests
Are you a well-rounded person? Do you take part in activities outside of school? How have you contributed to the community you belong to? Materials community at Imperial is very small and as such we like to ensure our students are involved in our community as well as contribute to the wider college community.
6. Other
If you have taken or you are preparing to take a gap year, please include details of what this will entail – work experience, volunteering, travel – link it to skills and how that might be useful to the course.
The college offers additional advice for Personal Statements on their website, which you may also find helpful.
A reference is an important part of the UCAS application. Please make sure to follow recent advice on the UCAS website when writing the reference. Please also see the links to teacher reference guidance from Imperial College London.
Information in your reference
Typically, this is how the information provided to us in a reference will be used:
Section 1: School context
The information provided in this section will inform us of the educational context of the applicant – helping us to contextualise their achievements.
Section 2: Applicant-specific mitigating factors
The information provided in this section will help us determine whether an applicant is eligible for contextual offers. It will also help us provide support during the interview/applicant day.
If the applicant is successful and due to start with us, this information will also help us put support in place to ensure the applicant can thrive on their course and have a positive, inclusive experience.
Section 3: Supportive information
The information provided in this section will inform us of the applicants’ suitability to the course they have applied for. As the applicant is applying for an Engineering course, this section should include their aptitude for academic development, motivation to explore ideas and challenges, and engagement beyond the confines of the syllabus.
Further resources:
Imperial College London has provided additional guidance on references.
Please see the links below for more information:
Application reference | Study | Imperial College London
Teacher reference guidance | Study | Imperial College London
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview, either in-person here at the South Kensington campus in London or online via MS Teams. Regardless of the location of your interview (whether on campus or on MS Teams), the aims and format of the interview will be the same.
Our interviews are held on what we call Applicant Days.
Applicant days are held on Wednesdays between November and March. Please see Applicant day dates for more information. We have approximately eight applicant days a year. The applicant day runs from 11:00 to 15:30.
Throughout the Applicant Day, interviewers will be assessing your English language skills as well as your academic ability. You will be expected to have a good standard of spoken English to take part in the interviews. Please check our English language requirement for more detail.
What can I expect on an applicant day?
First, you will hear from our Director of Undergraduate Studies and then our Admission Tutor.
During the time with us, you will attend:
- A 30 minute one-to-one interview with one of our lecturers. We aim for the interview to be more of a conversation. The main purpose of the interview is for us to see whether you are suitable for the course, as much as for you to decide if Imperial is the place for you.
- A 45 minute group task. The task will be an engineering-based problem-solving challenge to see your team working skills, as we deem this to be an important part of life at Imperial.
- A 30 minute Q&A with current student ambassadors, where you will be able to ask them questions about the course and studying in London.
Please wear clothing which you feel comfortable in. You are not required to wear formal interview attire, such as a suit, however, please make sure you are dressed in a presentable outfit.
There is no ‘studying’ you can do to prepare for the interview. The interview can be approximately broken down into two main components - understanding an applicant's motivations and academic ambitions, critical thinking, problem-solving skills and coachability.
Questions about your motivation (examples)
Why do you want to study Materials Science?
Why do you want to study at Imperial College?
Tell me about an interesting experience (eg: internship, online course or book) from your personal statement.
Questions to test critical thinking
Typically a mathematics, physics or engineering question to assess what is your approach to solving the problem, how do you respond to the question, are you coachable and willing to learn, are you able to approach the problem from multiple perspectives?
Top Interview tips:
- Be ready to explain why you want to study Materials Science and Engineering.
- Think about why you want to study at Imperial College London and why you want to study this course.
- Be prepared to answer questions about your personal statement.
- Prepare examples of teamwork and managing time effectively.
- If you are taking an Extended Project, please be prepared to talk us through your project.
What is it?
The 45-minute Group Task on the Applicant day will be based on the preparation you have done. This could be in form of written notes, saved articles (from reputable sources) or information from a textbook. On the Monday before your interview, you will receive an email from the Admissions Team with details of the task, giving you approximately 48 hours to prepare. We expect you to have spent approximately 90 minutes on research/groundwork for this task.
What is being assessed?
We believe it's really important to communicate and work well within a team – this will be important once you graduate – whether you work in academia or industry. It will be these skills that will be assessed.
Our next applicant days will be:
Wednesday 13th November 2024 – In-Person
Wednesday 20th November 2024 – Online
Wednesday 27th November 2024 – In-Person
Wednesday 4th December 2024 – Online
Wednesday 22nd January 2025 – In-Person
Wednesday 29th January 2025 – Online
Wednesday 5th February 2025 – Online
Wednesday 26th February 2025 – Online
Wednesday 5th March 2025 - In-person
Receiving an offer
If you have been successful in your interviews, you will receive an offer from the Department! Depending on your qualification, performance during the applicant day and other factors, the offer will vary.
Typically, it will take us 3 weeks after the interview to inform you of the outcome.
The College’s offer holder information page may be useful before you start your journey with us.
For questions about what to do after you receive an offer, please contact the Engineering Faculty Admissions Team.
Contextual offers
If you come from a disadvantaged or underrepresented background, we believe you should have the opportunity to demonstrate you have the academic potential to succeed in your studies.
Visit our Contextual Admissions webpage to learn more about contenxtual admissions and use the Eligibility Checker.