Human Anatomy Unit

Human Anatomy Unit

Education, training and research in anatomy and pathology.

The Human Anatomy Unit (HAU) is a teaching facility which provides anatomy and pathology resources for students and practitioners of medicine and allied healthcare professions. The Unit comprises a dissection room, a dedicated anatomy skills laboratory and a pathology museum.  These facilities enable the study  of human anatomy and pathology in a conducive environment, using the latest technologies. 

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Human anatomy

A hands-on teaching facility for medical students

Using traditional and innovative technologies we can offer:

  • Highly trained academic and support staff
  • whole body dissection
  • prosections
  • skeletal material
  • anatomical models
  • living anatomy classes

Find out more about how the HAU supports teaching and learning at Imperial

Pathology museum

An invaluable archive of human disease

Our Pathology Museum is an invaluable archive of human disease from the 19th and 20th centuries,  to study diseases and their natural courses.

  • Approximately 1,600 pathological specimens on display in the museum
  • Areas for self study, small teaching and a seminar room for larger workshops

Find out what goes on inside the Pathology Museum