Meet our PAG Members

  • Jenny Camaradou

    Photo of Jenny Camaradou

    Personal details

    Jenny Camaradou COVID-19 Public Advisor, Devon

    Email PERC for more about this group

    Why I wanted to be involved

    “As an avid international collaborator from an innovation background, I developed an interest in public involvement through lived experience of neurology, cardiology and immunology issues in my family.  I am looking forward to supporting researchers facilitate patient-centric outcomes in their work on the REACT study.”

  • Joan Bedlington

    Photo of Joan Bedlington

    Personal details

    Joan Bedlington Governor LIVErNORTH – National Liver Patient Support Charity, County Durham

    Email PERC for more about this group

    Why I wanted to be involved

    “Whilst shielding at the beginning of the pandemic, I decided to try to help in the fight against COVID-19. It is rewarding to know that my involvement, together with that of the people I have got to know on this journey, is a positive contribution in the search to find solutions to a situation none of us expected or wanted.”

  • Maisie McKenzie

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    Personal details

    Maisie McKenzie London

    Email PERC for more about this group

    Why I wanted to be involved

    "My experiences as a carer for multiple family members with serious medical conditions led to an interest in public involvement and patient engagement. I have worked in operational management, health promotion and disease prevention for the NHS in a non-clinical capacity and am an adult mental health first aider + trainer."

  • Sandra Jayacodi

    Photo of Sandra Jayacodi

    Personal details

    Sandra Jayacodi Public Advisor, Harrow, London

    Why I wanted to be involved

    “Although we may all have the same diagnosis of an illness, our lived experiences of it will vary, based on who we are, including our ethnicity, gender, age, deprivation or privilege, and personality. These lived experiences are pivotal in the design of any research.”

  • Marney Williams

    Photo of Marney Williams

    Personal details

    Marney Williams Public Advisor, West London

    Email PERC for more about this group

    My experience of being involved

    "It has been a privilege, interesting and rewarding to be involved with the REACT study. There is a real sense of cooperation and focus from the public involvement group and the leadership from PERC has been exemplary."

  • Steve Gibbard

    Photo of Steve Gibbard

    Personal details

    Steve Gibbard Software Engineer, Bristol

    Email PERC for more about this group

    Why I wanted to be involved

    “Being involved in a group with a diverse set of skills and social backgrounds has helped me understand different viewpoints and concerns that I would otherwise have not considered.  It has also been a tonic to see so many people working together for the benefit of the wider community.”

  • Amara Lalji

    Photo of Amara Lalji

    Personal details

    Amara Lalji University Student, West London

    Email PERC for more about this group

    Why I wanted to be involved

    “I wanted to be involved because I wanted to share my opinion about COVID-19. I've gained an insight on the work that Imperial does, and I'm incredibly grateful to be involved in the group and to know that what I am doing, from sharing my perspectives on the findings to reviewing study material, is beneficial.”

  • Philippa Russell

    Photo of Philippa Russell

    Personal details

    Philippa Russell Public Advisor, Kent

    Email PERC for more about this group

    Why I wanted to be involved

    “As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded I felt like I wanted to contribute in some form, this opportunity presented itself to me and I felt like it was the perfect opportunity to do something.”

    Read about Philippa's personal experience of taking part in the REACT-2 usability pilot in  this blog story  (on LinkedIn).

Contact details

For media or communications enquiries only please contact: Jack Stewart