What did you most enjoy about your course? 

Marlen LaufferThe broad set of skills we were taught, i.e. knowledge on fundamentals in genetics and genetic disorders, laboratory skills, bioinformatics and how to present and communicate one’s research are definitely one of the reasons that made this course so enjoyable.  Moreover, studying with peers that are as dedicated and passionate about genetics as myself was a wonderful experience. 

What did you most appreciate about the Faculty/College? 

The dedication of our lecturers, teaching fellows, teaching assistants and administrators to guide us through the course was exceptional. I very much appreciated that every one of them was willing and made time for us to answer questions and discuss our research projects, essays and other coursework.

How did it feel to receive the Dean's Prize?

It was an incredible feeling to receive the Dean’s Prize and I had to reread the initial email several times before realizing what had happened. I felt and still feel honoured to be awarded this Prize and it feels great to know that the hard work throughout the year was appreciated in such away. 

What are you doing now/What do you plan on doing after graduation?

I am now pursuing a PhD at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), working in the Department of Psychiatry. There, I started a research project on the pathophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders and effects of genetic treatment strategies thereof.