The sun is the most plentiful renewable energy source available on the planet. Our research proposes to harness this potential through the development of solar cells. This can be achieved for example through the development of novel cells using polymer of small dye molecules to absorb light and convert it into electricity, or by designing systems mimicking photosynthesis, through our multidisciplinary “artificial leaf” programme.


Thomas Anthopoulos


Professor of Experimental Physics, Department of Physics

Research is centered on understanding the physical properties of functional electronic materials and applying this fundamental understanding to develop improved materials and devices for application in electronics, displays, lighting, energy generation & harvesting and different sensor technologies


Joao Cabral


Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering

Research interests are in soft condensed matter, in particular in complex polymer mixtures, multicomponent systems, often containing particles and opolymers. currently studying the thermodynamics and dynamics or polymer blends with a combination of real- and reciprocal-space techniques, including microscopy and AFM, and light, X-ray and neutron scattering.


Nicholas Harrison


Professor, Chair of Computational Materials Science, Department of Chemistry

Research interests lie in the area of quantum mechanical modelling of material properties with the aim of discovering new functional materials.


John de Mello


Professor of Experimental Physics,Department of Physics

Specialising in the experimental and theoretical  Characterisation of nanoparticles and molecular semiconductors – with particular emphasis on their use in optoelectronic devices. In the area of organic semiconductors, primary on the fa focus is on fabrication, analysis and optimisation of light-emitting diodes and solar cells.


James Durrant


Professor of Photochemistry, Department of Chemistry

Research interest is the development of new chemical approaches to solar energy conversion – harnessing solar energy either to produce electricity (photovoltaics) or molecular fuels (e.g. hydrogen).


Saif Haque


Reader in Materials Chemistry, Department of Chemistry

Research interests lie in the area of solar energy conversion and molecular electronics.


Peter Haynes


Professor of Theory & Simulation of Materials, Head of Department, Department of Materials

Research interests focus on the development of new linear-scaling methods forperforming large-scale first-principles quantum-mechanical simulations and their application to materials science, nanotechnology and biological systems.


Sandrine Heutz


Reader in Functional Molecular Materials, Department of Materials

Current research directions are focused on magnetic properties of molecular thin films, spintronic applications, novel fabrication methods for oxides, detailed structural characterisation of films and interfaces, and nanowire devices.


Martin Heeney


Professor of Organic Materials, Department of Chemistry


Andrew Horsfield


Reader in the Theory & Simulation of Materials, Department of Materials

Current research interests cover the dynamics of electrons out of equilibrium, and the thermodynamics of complex interfaces.


Martyn McLachlan


Lecturer in functional nanomaterials, Department of Materials

Primary research interests centre on the synthesis and characterisation of metal oxide species. More specifically, the development of low temperature deposition routes, analysing surfaces and buried interfaces of thin films and correlating structural, morphological and electrical properties with the synthesis method.


Jason Riley


Professor of Materials Electrochemistry, Department of Materials

Research activity concerns the preparation, characterisation and applications of nanomaterials. Colloid chemistry, anodisation and templated deposition are employed to obtain materials of defined dimension.


Mary Ryan


Professor in Materials Science, Department of Materials

Current research is in the area of applied electrochemistry and corrosion, with a focus on deposition of nanostructures and the study of self-forming nanocrystalline oxides; as well as fundamental work on degradation and stability of metal system.


Paul Stavrinou


Reader, Department of Physics


Natalie Stingelin


Professor in Organic Functional Materials, Department of Materials

Current research interests encompass the broad field of organic functional materials, includig organic electronics, multifunctional inorganic/organic hybrids, and smart, advanced optical systems based on organic matter.


Jenny Nelson


Professor of Physics. Department of Natural Sciences, Department of Physics


 Fang Xie


Lecturer in Materials, Department of Materials

Research concerns novel nanomaterials synthesis and fabrication, and their applications in energy and life sciences.



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