The Global Calculator is a free, interactive and open-source energy model of the entire world to 2050. It allows users to explore what it takes to tackle climate change. The Global Calculator was simultaneously launched in London and Beijing in January 2015 and continues to be a useful guide to explore global mitigation pathways and associated costs.

Why use it?

To explore what it takes to tackle climate change on a global level and to learn what mitigation options make a real difference and impact on lifestyles:

  • Learn about energy, land, food and climate issues – how they are related and how they interact
  • Understand how sectors will evolve at a global level to lower carbon by 2050 and see which markets could grow in the future
  • Help inform internal strategies and campaigns
  • Determine whether country plans are aligned with a global 2°C pathway
  • Discover what technologies and actions we need in future.

How can I access it?

Access the tool here - tutorials, videos and user guides‌ will be made available on this site.

You can also download a summary of the Global Calculator’s findings in Prosperous living for the world in 2050: insights from the Global Calculator


Global Calculator - spreadsheet user guide