Upcoming Events

Meet the members of Neuromechanics and Rehabilitation Technology at the following events:

U-WEAR (“A portable skin deformation measurement platform for user-specific wearable interface design") is awarded by ERC as a proof-of-concept grant and has been guaranteed by UKRI for funding. Due to start from January 2023.

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NOV 2022


Science Museum Lates 

Milia, Patrick and Aritra took part in the Science Museum Lates on October 26th. The theme for the event was Sci-Fi, and our team showcased research into the control of bionic limbs. We enjoyed chatting to the visitors about bionic control and interfacing, and the visitors got the chance to have a go at controlling cursors and even a prosthetic hand using their hand movements.






Event Accordion

May 2017

"The Bionic Man" 

Prof. Dario Farina gave a talk during 2017 Imperial Festival programme showcasing the latest bionic limbs, and discussing the obstacles to further progress. He presented the robotic technology that can already reproduce missing human limbs for near complete dexterity and proposed that in the not too distant future even surpass our own biological potential; while adding the need for probing deeper into our own nervous system, along with advances in robotics, in order to create a human-machine interface that truly creates a sense of natural control of movement. In addition to imagining a future of not just amazing bionic limb performance, he also posed ethical questions and asking what happens when people start demanding robotic arms over their own healthy ones.  The recording of the talk can be found here.