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  • Journal article
    Forte AE, D'Amico F, Charalambides MN, Dini D, Williams JGet al., 2015,

    Modelling and experimental characterisation of the rate dependent fracture properties of gelatine gels

    , FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, Vol: 46, Pages: 180-190, ISSN: 0268-005X
  • Journal article
    Allemani C, Weir HK, Carreira H, Harewood R, Spika D, Wang X-S, Bannon F, Ahn JV, Johnson CJ, Bonaventure A, Marcos-Gragera R, Stiller C, Azevedo e Silva G, Chen W-Q, Ogunbiyi OJ, Rachet B, Soeberg MJ, You H, Matsuda T, Bielska-Lasota M, Storm H, Tucker TC, Coleman MPet al., 2015,

    Global surveillance of cancer survival 1995-2009: analysis of individual data for 25 676 887 patients from 279 population-based registries in 67 countries (CONCORD-2)

    , LANCET, Vol: 385, Pages: 977-1010, ISSN: 0140-6736
  • Journal article
    Soba P, Han C, Zheng Y, Perea D, Miguel-Aliaga I, Jan LY, Jan YNet al., 2015,

    The Ret receptor regulates sensory neuron dendrite growth and integrin mediated adhesion

    , eLife, Vol: 4, ISSN: 2050-084X
  • Journal article
    Ekelund U, Ward HA, Norat T, Luan J, May AM, Weiderpass E, Sharp SJ, Overvad K, Ostergaard JN, TjOnneland A, Johnsen NF, Mesrine S, Foamier A, Fagherazzi G, Trichopoulou A, Lagiou P, Trichopoulos D, Li K, Kaaks R, Ferrari P, Licaj I, Jenab M, Bergmann M, Boeing H, Palli D, Sieri S, Panico S, Tumino R, Vineis P, Peeters PH, Monnikhof E, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Ramon Quiros J, Agudo A, Sanchez M-J, Maria Huerta J, Ardanaz E, Arriola L, Hedblad B, Wirfalt E, Sand M, Johansson M, Key TJ, Travis RC, Khaw K-T, Brage S, Wareham NJ, Riboli Eet al., 2015,

    Physical activity and all-cause mortality across levels of overall and abdominal adiposity in European men and women: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study (EPIC)

    , American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol: 101, Pages: 613-621, ISSN: 0002-9165

    Background: The higher risk of death resulting from excess adiposity may be attenuated by physical activity (PA). However, the theoretical number of deaths reduced by eliminating physical inactivity compared with overall and abdominal obesity remains unclear.Objective: We examined whether overall and abdominal adiposity modified the association between PA and all-cause mortality and estimated the population attributable fraction (PAF) and the years of life gained for these exposures.Design: This was a cohort study in 334,161 European men and women. The mean follow-up time was 12.4 y, corresponding to 4,154,915 person-years. Height, weight, and waist circumference (WC) were measured in the clinic. PA was assessed with a validated self-report instrument. The combined associations between PA, BMI, and WC with mortality were examined with Cox proportional hazards models, stratified by center and age group, and adjusted for sex, education, smoking, and alcohol intake. Center-specific PAF associated with inactivity, body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) (>30), and WC (≥102 cm for men, ≥88 cm for women) were calculated and combined in random-effects meta-analysis. Life-tables analyses were used to estimate gains in life expectancy for the exposures.Results: Significant interactions (PA × BMI and PA × WC) were observed, so HRs were estimated within BMI and WC strata. The hazards of all-cause mortality were reduced by 16–30% in moderately inactive individuals compared with those categorized as inactive in different strata of BMI and WC. Avoiding all inactivity would theoretically reduce all-cause mortality by 7.35% (95% CI: 5.88%, 8.83%). Corresponding estimates for avoiding obesity (BMI >30) were 3.66% (95% CI: 2.30%, 5.01%). The estimates for avoiding high WC were similar to those for physical inactivity.Conclusion: The greatest reductions in mortality risk were observed between the 2 lowest activity groups across levels of general and abdominal adi

  • Journal article
    de Batlle J, Ferrari P, Chajes V, Park JY, Slimani N, McKenzie F, Overvad K, Roswall N, Tjonneland A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Fagherazzi G, Katzke V, Kaaks R, Bergmann MM, Trichopoulou A, Lagiou P, Trichopoulos D, Palli D, Sieri S, Panico S, Tumino R, Vineis P, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH, Hjartaker A, Engeset D, Weiderpass E, Sanchez S, Travier N, Sanchez MJ, Amiano P, Chirlaque MD, Barricarte Gurrea A, Khaw KT, Key TJ, Bradbury KE, Ericson U, Sonestedt E, Van Guelpen B, Schneede J, Riboli E, Romieu Iet al., 2015,

    Dietary Folate Intake and Breast Cancer Risk: European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition

  • Journal article
    Furse S, Mak L, Tate EW, Templer RH, Ces O, Woscholski R, Gaffney PRJet al., 2015,

    Synthesis of unsaturated phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphates and the effects of substrate unsaturation on <i>Sop</i>B phosphatase activity

    , ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, Vol: 13, Pages: 2001-2011, ISSN: 1477-0520
  • Journal article
    Sassi F, Belloni A, 2014,

    Fiscal incentives, behavior change and health promotion: what place in the health-in-all-policies toolkit? (vol 29, pg i103, 2014

    , HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL, Vol: 29, Pages: 794-794, ISSN: 0957-4824
  • Journal article
    Aleksandrova K, Pischon T, Jenab M, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Fedirko V, Norat T, Romaguera D, Knueppel S, Boutron-Ruault M-C, Dossus L, Dartois L, Kaaks R, Li K, Tjonneland A, Overvad K, Quiros JR, Buckland G, Sanchez MJ, Dorronsoro M, Chirlaque M-D, Barricarte A, Khaw K-T, Wareham NJ, Bradbury KE, Trichopoulou A, Lagiou P, Trichopoulos D, Palli D, Krogh V, Tumino R, Naccarati A, Panico S, Siersema PD, Peeters PHM, Ljuslinder I, Johansson I, Ericson U, Ohlsson B, Weiderpass E, Skeie G, Borch KB, Rinaldi S, Romieu I, Kong J, Gunter MJ, Ward HA, Riboli E, Boeing Het al., 2014,

    Combined impact of healthy lifestyle factors on colorectal cancer: a large European cohort study

    , BMC Medicine, Vol: 12, ISSN: 1741-7015

    Background: Excess body weight, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption and certain dietary factors areindividually related to colorectal cancer (CRC) risk; however, little is known about their joint effects. The aim of thisstudy was to develop a healthy lifestyle index (HLI) composed of five potentially modifiable lifestyle factors –healthy weight, physical activity, non-smoking, limited alcohol consumption and a healthy diet, and to explore theassociation of this index with CRC incidence using data collected within the European Prospective Investigation intoCancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort.Methods: In the EPIC cohort, a total of 347,237 men and women, 25- to 70-years old, provided dietary and lifestyleinformation at study baseline (1992 to 2000). Over a median follow-up time of 12 years, 3,759 incident CRC caseswere identified. The association between a HLI and CRC risk was evaluated using Cox proportional hazardsregression models and population attributable risks (PARs) have been calculated.Results: After accounting for study centre, age, sex and education, compared with 0 or 1 healthy lifestyle factors,the hazard ratio (HR) for CRC was 0.87 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.44 to 0.77) for two factors, 0.79 (95% CI: 0.70to 0.89) for three factors, 0.66 (95% CI: 0.58 to 0.75) for four factors and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.54 to 0.74) for five factors;P-trend <0.0001. The associations were present for both colon and rectal cancers, HRs, 0.61 (95% CI: 0.50 to 0.74; Pfor trend <0.0001) for colon cancer and 0.68 (95% CI: 0.53 to 0.88; P-trend <0.0001) for rectal cancer, respectively(P-difference by cancer sub-site = 0.10). Overall, 16% of the new CRC cases (22% in men and 11% in women) wereattributable to not adhering to a combination of all five healthy lifestyle behaviours included in the index.Conclusions: Combined lifestyle factors are associated with a lower incidence of CRC in European populationscharacterized by western lifestyles. Prevention str

  • Journal article
    Wayland MT, Defaye A, Rocha J, Jayaram SA, Royet J, Miguel-Aliaga I, Leulier F, Cognigni Pet al., 2014,

    Spotting the differences: Probing host/microbiota interactions with a dedicated software tool for the analysis of faecal outputs in <i>Drosophila</i>

    , JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol: 69, Pages: 126-135, ISSN: 0022-1910
  • Journal article
    Mohammed IK, Charalambides MN, Williams JG, Rasburn Jet al., 2014,

    Modelling the microstructural evolution and fracture of a brittle confectionery wafer in compression


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