soil survey

OPAL National Soil Centre

The OPAL National Soil Centre was one of five national centres of expertise under the OPAL project, which ran from 2007 to 2012. The centre was based in the Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London.

overview of the OPAL National Soil Centre

OPAL Soil and Earthworm Survey

The centre coordinates the OPAL Soil and Earthworm Survey, which is open to everyone. The survey aims to build a picture of soil quality and earthworm populations all over England. Find out more about how to take part or view the results so far.

Over the first five years, more than half a million people from towns and cities up and down the country explored their local green spaces as part of the OPAL project.

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PhD student

Student Research Projects

Research students have been actively involved with the project, including both MSc and PhD students.


Project Outputs

Output from the project has taken many forms:

  • Journal Publications
  • Reports
  • Community Environment Report
  • Survey Results Data