Michele Dougherty
Professor Michele Dougherty
Is there life on Jupiter's moons? | The Royal Society
Roma Agrawal speaks to Michele Dougherty about JUICE
Roma Agrawal speaks to Michele Dougherty about JUICE, a mission hoping to discover the conditions needed for life on the icy moons of Jupiter.
Schrödinger Lecture 2019: The Cassini Spacecraft Mission
Hear all about the Cassini Spacecraft Mission
Hear all about the Cassini Spacecraft Mission at Saturn’s surprising discoveries and mission results. Michele Dougherty, Professor of Space Physics and Head of Department of Physics, presents the 31st annual Schrödinger Lecture from the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Chapter 12: Professor Michele Dougherty
Learn about the importance of engineers to our quest to go further into space.
Professor Michele Dougherty is a pioneering space physicist who is Head of the Department of Physics at Imperial College London. Michele is in charge of the team responsible for the magnetometer – an instrument that will be on board JUICE when it arrives at Jupiter in 2030. Watch to learn about the importance of engineers to our quest to go further into space.
Moons of Saturn - Michele Dougherty / Serious Science
Physicist Michele Dougherty on Cassini and Voyager missions and the possibility of life on Enceladus
Physicist Michele Dougherty on Cassini and Voyager missions and the possibility of life on Enceladus
Michele Dougherty — Professor of Space Physics, Imperial College London