
Join us


What we offer to you

bbMany ideas and potential projects await to be fully explored by enthusiastic and curious young investigators...like you!!

We maintain a vibrant and stimulating multi-disciplinary intellectual environment, open to new questions and approaches. We encourage scientific independence and provide the tools for your ideas to thrive.

Most of the projects require a combination of experimental and theoretical work. We tend to favour quantitative approaches, combining methods from a typical set of multi-disciplinary skills:

  • plant handling (minimal)
  • molecular genetics
  • microscopy (live imaging)
  • image processing
  • computational modeling
  • mechanical statistics


What you bring to us

You should be willing and ready to explore new venues. Curiosity and enthusiasm for science are what we look for. We want to hear your most original ideas and learn something new from you.

A taste for quantitative approaches is required.  Some background in physics or mathematics is preferable, but not strictly required. 

Basic experience in molecular biology is required in some projects. Previous experience specifically in plant biology is not required.  


How to get funded

On the left panel of this page, you will find links to relevant sources of funding at post-doctoral (you have a PhD) or pre-doctoral (you don't have a PhD) level.

What next?

Contact us to register your interest and discuss potential options for collaborations or projects in the lab.

We can help you preparing a competitive application for one of the funding schemes best suited to you.

Resources for prospective members


Post-doctoral fellowships (you have a PhD)


Pre-doctoral scholarships (you don't have a Ph.D.)




Postgraduate study in the Department of Life Sciences


Projects for undergraduate students (Imperial College)