Regular research seminars in analysis organised or co-organised by the Pure Analysis and PDE group:
- Analysis and Dynamics seminar (this is the main seminar of the group, meeting fortnightly on Thursdays 13:00-14:00),
- London Analysis and Probability seminar (this is a fortnightly seminar, with two talks from 15:00-16:00 and 16:30-17:30, jointly organised with UCL and KCL),
- Paris-London Analysis seminar (analysis seminar organised in the London-Paris area, meeting four times a year),
- Junior Analysis seminar organised by our PhD students, consisting of informal talks by students and visitors,
Upcoming events in Analysis and Dynamics seminar series will be listed below.
You may also subscribe/unsubscribe to/from a mailing list for the seminar announcements by visiting our mailing list page.
Upcoming Analysis and Dynamics seminars
ArchiveDiversity Policy of the Pure Analysis and Probability Seminars
Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London
Imperial College London, its Department of Mathematics, and its Pure Mathematics Section are committed to fostering a welcoming, open, and diverse research community. We recognize that there are groups who remain under-represented in the discipline, particularly among senior academics and other professionals. We actively promote equality, diversity and inclusion among the speakers in this seminar series. To this end:
- We seek a diverse set of speakers that reflects the diversity of the worlds’community of mathematicians in terms of gender and ethnicity/race, etc.
- We invite speakers from all around the world
- We include speakers who are at various career stages.
- We make the list of speakers public. When soliciting names of potential speakers the organizers emphasize our aim to present a crossection of speakers that is diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity/race, geography, and career stage.
- We also take advantage of resources such as LMS Women in Mathematics, European Women in Mathematics Members List...and others.