Conferences, news and events
Awards/Future/Past Conferences/Events
Hundred-year-old law on fluid flow overturned by Imperial Researcher: Dr Catriona Reynolds new paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences challenges current thinking on pore-scale Darcy's Law. Read more on this discovery which could lead to a range of improvements including advances in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
Dr Ronny Pini, QCCSRC Lecturer was awarded the UKCCSRC International Collaboration Fund (Call 3) to spend five weeks in California as part of a joint research collaboration involving Stanford University (with Sally Benson) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (with Jim O’Neil and Nick Vandehey). The goal of the visit was to carry out a series of experiments to study solute mixing and spreading in reservoir rocks by applying a novel - and very promising - experimental approach that combines two non-invasive imaging methods, namely X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Read more...
Front Cover News
Dr Maartje Boon's paper on solute transport in rocks is on the cover of Water Resources
Prof Trusler was the guest Editor in a special CCS issue of the Journal of Thermophysical Chemistry
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, July 2015
Dr Veerle Vandeginste et al's paper on Application of handheld energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to carbonate studies: opportunities and challenges has been selected as the front picture image for July's edition of Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, January 8, 2015: Vol 60, Issue 1
Cadogan's work on Diffusion Coefficients of Carbon Dioxide in Brines Measured Using 13C Pulsed-Field Gradient Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Representative featured on the front cover of Journal of Cehmical and Engineering Data, January 2015. The image shows the plot of Ψ versus m1/2 for ribose in pure water. The values of A- and B-coefficients have been obtained as the intercepts and slopes from the linear regression plots
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, February 13, 2014: Vol.59, Issue 2
Shane Cadogan's work image (top image) on Schematic of the Taylor dispersion apparatus used to measure the diffusion coefficients of CO2 and N2 in pure water was used on the frint over of Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data
QCCSRC organised/facilitated events
- UKCCSRC Early Stage Researchers Winter School, Novemver 2011
- Carbon Capture Workshop @ Texas A&M University, Qatar, April 2012
- UNFCCC COP18 Doha, 26 November - 7 December 2012 (including our interactive elevator stand at the Sustainability Village and our official side event - Innovating Climate Mitigation Technologies Post-2012: Integrating Engineering, Science and Policy)
- DCEF The 2013 Doha Carbon & Energy (DCEF), Qatar, 11-13 November 2013
- UKCCSRC - QCCSRC hosted at Imperial College London the UKCCSRC workshop: Flow and Transport for CO2 Storage, 29-30 October 2015