UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Round 10


UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships (UKRI FLFs) are an exciting new opportunity to join Imperial. This scheme intends to grow the strong supply of talented individuals needed to ensure that UK research and innovation continues to be world class. These Fellowships support applicants from diverse career paths, including those returning from a career break or following time in other roles. UKRI encourages a broad range of applicants to include diversity of backgrounds, career paths, research areas, thought and approach as well as protected characteristics.

Fellowships are not restricted to work that would be seen as formal research in an applicant's chosen area but can also lead and develop innovation. FLF applications can be submitted within or across any area(s) of research and/or innovation covered by UKRI, from basic through to applied research and innovation.

Applications to UKRI where the fellowship is intended to be held at Imperial must be made via the College to ensure you have approved support from the proposed host Department.

More information about this fellowship can be found on the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships webpage. 

Holding a FLF at Imperial

At Imperial we encourage a diverse range of applicants and are therefore using an open selection process to identify individuals to support in applying to this funding opportunity. All interested candidates, both external and internal, must complete an online application form, which will be shared with the relevant department to consider. Applicants will be contacted directly by the relevant academic department in order to establish the level of support available.

We are committed to equality of opportunity, to eliminating discrimination and to creating an inclusive working environment for all. We therefore encourage candidates to apply irrespective of age, disability, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion and belief, gender identity, sex, or sexual orientation. We are an Athena SWAN Silver Award winner, a Disability Confident Leader, A Race Equality Charter Bronze Award winner and a Stonewall Diversity Champion. 

The College is a proud signatory to the San-Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which means that in hiring, promotion and research funding decisions we will evaluate applicants on the quality of their work, not the impact factor of the journal where it is published. More information is available on the research evaluation webpage.

The Early Career Researcher Institute  at Imperial is hosting 2 online sessions for the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships on Friday, 24th January - 11.00-12.30 and Tuesday, 28th January – 14.00-15.30.

PLEASE NOTE: The content of the sessions will be the same – potential applicants DO NOT need to register for both.

Friday, 24th January - 11.00-12.30 – Register here

Tuesday, 28th January – 14.00-15.30 – Register here

Dr Ines Perpetuo (Consultant) will talk through the scheme, provide advice, and answer any questions. For further information on these sessions, please contact ECRI directly.


Applicant eligibility

These fellowships are for early career academics and innovators who are transitioning to or establishing independence. Applicants should view the UKRI's person specification (Annex A of the UKRI Round 10 guidance (pdf) to assess and justify their suitability for the scheme. 

Applicants are expected to hold a doctorate by the start date of the fellowship, however there are no eligibility rules based on years since PhD or whether the applicant currently holds a permanent/open-ended academic position or job role. Applicants who have already achieved research/innovation independence (for example, by securing funding aimed at this career stage) will not be competitive.

How to apply
  • Contact your Department of interest as early as possible for initial discussions (some Departments have specific strategic research areas they want to recruit in - see the sections below for details - or local processes)

Complete the short online application form by 3 March 2025, midday and upload where indicated within the form:

  • Submitted Request for Support forms and CVs will be shared with the relevant departments for consideration. Incomplete forms will not be considered.

Useful information

  • Where multiple submissions are made to the online application form, the last complete submission will be taken as the final version.
  • If you use the same device and browser, you can resume a partly finished application rather than start from the beginning. 
  • Online application form content:
    • Name and email
    • Current position and institution/employer
    • PhD awarded/expected date
    • Project title
    • Project area of research/innovation and most closely related UKRI council
    • Proposed host department
    • Demographic information (voluntary disclosure)
  • We encourage candidates to get in touch with Departments prior to the internal deadline so they can provide support with the development of proposals. There will be no opportunity to amend or improve proposals once submitted for the 3 March deadline. 
Next steps
  • Applicants will be contacted by departments to discuss their request for support.
  • Faculties will work with departments to shortlist their chosen candidates. Please note there will be no opportunity to amend proposals based on Faculty/Department feedback at this stage. College will be reviewing all shortlisted applications based on original submissions.
  • A final central panel will select the 8 candidates Imperial is permitted to support. Final decisions will be communicated by mid-May
  • Chosen candidates will be supported to apply to UKRI. 
    • Full stage - deadline 18 June 2025 (letter of support from College required)

Imperial Departments

UKRI view it positively when the host institution makes clear statements about how the candidate may fit into their strategic vision/commitment to the specific research area. To facilitate this, individuals interested in applying for a FLF hosted at Imperial should initially approach their department of interest as soon as possible to ensure their research aligns to its strategic aims. Some departments have also declared particular areas in which they would be willing to host a fellow, or might have local processes for this scheme prior to the central application.

Faculty of Engineering


The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas, with a particular interest in Sustainable Aviation Technologies, Scientific Machine Learning and data-driven Aerospace Engineering, and Sustainable, Lightweight or Smart Structures. The key criteria for the Department in its shortlisting is the quality of the candidate and so we encourage candidates to apply even if they do not fall into these categories. (General contact - Sian Haynes)


The Department will only be considering applications from internal academic staff (including the current independent fellows) and the candidates who have secured host support for independent fellowship applications in all relevant research areas.

(General contact - Bioengineering Fellowship Support Team)

Chemical Engineering

The Department will only be considering applications from permanent internal academic staff  (General contact Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan)

Civil & Environmental

The Department will only be considering applications from members of academic staff from the Department of Civil & Environmental  Engineering. Anyone interested in applying should contact Dr Khaled Taalab as soon as possible and no later than 7th February 2025.


The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact – Alastair Donaldson)

Faculty of Engineering 2

Design Engineering

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas. In particular, we welcome applicants who share a strong alignment to the departments ethos of integrating analysis, behavioural insights and creative practices to build better futures. Non-permanent staff members and external applicants will be required to identify, and have the support, of an academic champion from the department who should be a permanent academic. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact potential sponsors as early as possible.

General department contact – Dr. Billy Wu (Director of Research)

Earth Science & Engineering

The Department will only be considering applications from internal academic staff in all relevant research areas. General contact - Adriana Paluszny Rodriguez (

Electrical & Electronic

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas . All applicants must contact Rob Millwood before submitting an application to ensure department support. (General contact - Rob Millwood)


The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to the following strategic research topics:

  • Biomaterials
  • Functional Materials, including: materials for quantum technologies; optoelectronics; materials for energy.
  • Sustainable Materials, including: sustainable materials processing; biomass-derived materials; recyclable materials.
  • Theory and Simulation of Materials

 (General contact – Brittany Rae)

Mechanical Engineering

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to the following strategic research topics:

  • Affordable and Clean Energy, including: future vehicle technology, propulsion, drive trains, lightweight construction; power generation, net zero, thermal management, nuclear power.
  • Responsible Consumption and Production, including: sustainable manufacturing, environmentally friendly materials, recycling and life cycles;  infrastructure, life extension, fire mitigation.
  • Good Health and Wellbeing, including: medical robotics, imaging, sensing, affordable healthcare.

 (General contact - Nina Hancock)

Faculty of Medicine

Brain Sciences

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact - Celia Monteiro Domingues)

Immunology and Inflammation

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact - Chrystalla Orphanides)

Infectious Disease

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact - Celia Monteiro Domingues)

Institute of Clinical Sciences

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact – Jamie Meredith)

Faculty of Medicine

Metabolism, Digestion & Repro

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact - Chrystalla Orphanides)


The Department is willing to accept enquiries to all relevant research areas (General contact - Alun Owen)

School of Public Health

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact - Lyndsey Pallant)

Surgery and Cancer

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas please ensure you have contacted the relevant Head of Division before starting an application (General contact - Rita Carvalho)

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Centre for Environmental Policy

The Department will only be considering applications from internal candidates in all relevant research areas (General contact - Anne Parry (


The Department is willing to accept enquiries across all research themes. When completing your application, please include your proposed space requirements (in particular, bench space requirements and any large equipment requests) in your request to support form. 

(General contact - Sarah Al-Beidh


Life Sciences

The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas 0 (General contact - The Research and Fellowship Committee (


The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact - Rusudan Svanidze)


The Department is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas. Please contact the relevant Research Community before starting an application (General contact - Louise Hayward at


Business School

The Business School (Departments of Finance; Economics and Public Policy; Management & Entrepreneurship; Analytics, Marketing and Operations) is willing to accept enquiries related to all relevant research areas (General contact - David Wilson)

Contact us

For further information and any queries please contact:

Imperial's Future Leaders Fellows