Rolls-Royce Nuclear University Technology Centre
Welcome to the Rolls-Royce Nuclear University Technology Centre
The Imperial Nuclear UTC is unique in its breadth addressing nuclear engineering research of relevance to Rolls-Royce which includes:
Main Themes
- Materials Performance and Aging
- Micromechanics
- Reactor Physics/Reactor Shielding
- Structural Integrity
- Thermal Hydraulics
Project Title | Researcher | Supervisor(s) | Status |
Combined Peridynamics and Finite Element Crystal Plasticity Modelling of the Oxidation of Zirconium Alloys | Susannah Lea | Dr Mark Wenman | Current |
Machine learning of microstructural stresses in zirconium |
Josh Langcaster | Dr Mark Wenman | Current |
Cyclic loading and Delayed Hydride |
Luca Reali |
Dr Mark Wenman/ Dr Daniel Balint |
Past |
Understanding the role of hydrogen-dislocation interactions in the corrosion and hydrogen uptake of irradiated zirconium fuel cladding alloys |
Jana Smutna |
Dr Mark Wenman |
Past |
Project Title | Researcher | Supervisor(s) | Status |
A Microstructurally Informed Structural Integrity Analysis of Austenitic Alloys | Chris Bilsland | Dr Ben Britton | Current |
Understanding hydrides and microstructures in zircaloy-4 |
Ruth Birch | Dr Ben Britton | Current |
Fundamental Mechanisms of Galling and Wear in the PWR Environment to Instruct Alloy Design |
Sam Rogers | Prof David Dye | Current |
Modelling Delayed Hydride Cracking and Crack Growth in Zirconium Cladding |
Daniel Long | Prof Fionn Dunne | Current |
Graded microstructures for RPV steels | Tom Porter | Prof Fionn Dunne | Current |
Tribological Response of Bearings for Nuclear Applications | Ajit Bastola | Prof Daniele Dini | Current |
Tribological modelling of bearings for nuclear power plants |
Ruby McCarron |
Prof Daniele Dini | Past |
The Effect of Temperature Sensitive Material Properties on Galling Wear |
Ben Poole |
Prof Fionn Dunne | Past |
EBSD studies of hydrides in large-grain Zircaloy-4 |
Siyang Wang (associate student) |
Dr Ben Britton | Past |
Deformation modelling of iron-based hard facings |
Bartosz Barzdajn |
Prof Fionn Dunne | Past |
Modelling methods for microstructure-sensitive crack growth in Zirconium alloys |
David Wilson |
Prof Fionn Dunne | Past |
Study of Mechanical Deformation in Hardfacing Alloys |
Chong Zhao (associated student) |
Prof Fionn Dunne | Past |
Fatigue crack nucleation near a non-metallic inclusion in PM nickel-based superalloy | Bo Chen (associated student) | Prof Fionn Dunne | Past |
Project Title | Researcher | Supervisor (s) | Status |
Reduced Order Models in Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics | Sokratia Georgaka | Dr Mike Bluck | Past |
Improvement of the modelling of boiling and the prediction of the critical heat flux using CFD-based methods | Ronak Thakrar | Dr Mike Bluck | Past |
Project Title | Researcher | Supervisor(s) | Status |
Dr Fabian Sorce |
Dr Catrin Davies |
Current | |
Environmental Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour | Mohammed-Rafi Riley | Dr Catrin Davies | Past |
Experimental Analysis of Delayed Hydride Cracking | Said El Chamaa | Dr Catrin Davies | Past |
The Effect of Constraint on the Integrity of Reactor Pressure Vessels | Geena Rait | Dr Catrin Davies | Past |
Fatigue and Fracture rersponse in Clad steels | Alison O'Connor (associate student) | Kamran Nikbin | Past |
Project Title | Researcher | Supervisor(s) | Status |
Dr Yu Duan |
Dr Matthew Eaton |
Current | |
Dr Ji Soo Ahn |
Dr Matthew Eaton |
Current |
Travis Gordon | Dr Matthew Eaton | Current | |
Jack Trainor | Dr Matthew Eaton | Current | |
NE106 Parallel, Adaptive Stochastic Spectral Methods for Uncertainty Quantification in Large Scale Reactor Analysis, Criticality and Shielding Problems. | Anthony Williams | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past |
John Ferguson | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past | |
Dr Chris Cooling | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past | |
Radiant developments (Civil & Naval) | Dr Jozsef Kophasi | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past |
Charles Latimer | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past | |
Seth Wilson | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past | |
Thermo-Physical modeling of molten core concrete interaction | Hugo Perrier | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past |
Thermo-chemical modelling of corium spreading in severe accidents | Gareth Morgan | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past |
Single phase flow in non-circular ducts | David Harland | Dr Matthew Eaton | Past |