The RI-URBANS project is one of the projects funded by the European commission within the frame of the Green Deal: “European Research Infrastructures capacities and services to address European Green Deal challenges”.  

RI-URBANS’ objectives are to demonstrate how service tools from atmospheric research infrastructures can be adapted and enhanced to better address the challenges and societal needs concerning air quality and associated health effects in European cities and air pollution hotspots. The project responds to the urgent need to substantially reduce air pollution across the EU and reduce associated health impacts.  

Developing pilot service tools the project aims to enhance the capacity of the existing air quality networks to evaluate, predict, and mitigate the impact of poor air quality on human health. The project also aims to work with communities to reduce air pollution and support decision-making by AQ managers and regulators.    

The Aerosol Science Team at Imperial College works as part of RI-URBANS on the development of novel air quality metrics and advanced source apportionment of particulate matter and nanoparticles, as well as health effects assessments of particulate matter, its components, nanoparticles, and sources contributions. 

Find out more here.

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