The Aerosol Science Team's research aims to understand the sources and impacts of atmospheric particles, and what action can be taken to reduce these effects. 


Airborne particulate matter (or aerosols), are a complex mixture of chemicals due to the number of sources (e.g. vehicle exhaust and non-exhaust, industry, power generation, domestic fuel burning, construction activities, etc) and atmospheric reactions. The Aerosol Science Team specialises in highly time-resolved measurements of aerosol physical and chemical characteristics to better understand the influence of these sources on atmospheric concentrations, and their impact on human health and the environment. 

This research is based around the advanced measurement techniques in different environments focused on understanding sources and human exposure. These measurements are combined with advanced data analytical tools to offer new perspectives on source contributions in our changing environment, determine real world pollution emissions, and further refine our air pollution modelling and population exposure assessments. 


  • MSc Transport – David Green is a guest lecturer on the Transport Module
  • Short course contributors David Green and Daniel Marsh - Impact on Urban Heath Introduction to Air Quality 
  • Construction Compliance Officer training programme – Daniel Marsh is delivering a modular programme, funded by Impact on Urban Health and aimed at this local authority officers, that will lead to improved compliance and regulatory outcomes whilst working with the construction industry 
  • National Highways (Supply Chain Sustainability School) Air Quality workshops and seminars – Daniel Marsh delivers air quality in construction and NetZero training modules, as requested by industry contractor groups, with two delivered so far in 2023  

Find out more about our projects

Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution projects
Transportation projects
Construction projects
  • Gas engines for off-grid power generation
  • High Speed Two - Worker exposure in construction  
Bioaerosol projects

Team Members

Aerosol Science Staff

Rhea Fang

Rhea Fang
Research Postgraduate

Phoebe French

Phoebe French
Research Postgraduate

Aerosol Science Students

Social media

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Twitter: ERGImperial | YouTube: Environmental Research Group