SPIN-Lab addresses a range of research questions, spanning science, engineering and medicine.

Heath and well-being

Magnetic nanoparticles are used for imaging (e.g. MRI), and have a key role in future therapeutics.

Naturally occurring spins provide a path for ultra-sensitive 'spinostics'.

Leading the data revolution

We explore spin ice structures for low energy information processing and storage.

The spin-based MASER allows ultra-low noise communication for e.g. space and medical uses.

Engineering novel solutions

We aim to combine the flexibility of 'plastic electronic' devices with spin-based logic.

Spins are key in energy applications, e.g. in catalysis and magnetocalorics.

The natural world

Spins are involved in photosynthesis and are key to energy transfer processes.

Naturally occurring magnetism gives insights into geological phenomena.

Get involved

SPIN-Lab straddles three faculties at Imperial and in the London Centre for Nanotechnology.

SPIN-Lab welcomes internal and external users. Discuss your projects with SPIN-Lab academic champions, contact us on SPIN-Lab@imperial.ac.uk.