Some of our secure bike storage areas require specific registration before you can use them. A complete list of areas and individual requirements is available here.

If you need to register your bike for one of these areas, you'll need to submit the below form. Once you've submitted a form, it will be cross-referenced and you'll be emailed once your bike is registered.

Please ensure that your frame number is entered in the required field (normally stamped on the frame by the pedals). If there is no frame number on your bike, you can email Nigel Ward, asking for your frame to be engraved. Once this has been done you can register your bike.

Note - Only residents at the respective hall are able to register for Kemp Porter Buildings and Woodward Buildings.

New safety measures at South Kensington

It is now no longer possible to use the cycle lane alongside the Imperial College Road/Exhibition Road exit barrier while it is down. Instead, we request all two-wheeled traffic to either exit via the barrier or, if preferred, dismount and push their bikes along the pavement exit.

Please note that this change is a pilot scheme, introduced urgently to enhance safety. We consider it a temporary measure until we can implement a more secure exit option for two-wheeled riders. If you have any suggestions or feedback, do feel free to contact us at