Introduction to Python: Imperial Community - a course for staff and undergraduate students
Python is one of the most popular coding languages in the world. It’s relatively easy to learn and benefits from a large range of productivity tools and libraries produced by its thriving community of users. This can will help you to produce working code very quickly.
The course teaches the fundamentals of programming with Python and you will learn about the basic building blocks of the language and work with simple examples using the Jupyter notebook environment.
On completion of this course you will be able to:
- Use Jupyter Notebooks to execute Python scripts
- Apply fundamental components of the Python language including variables, loops, conditionals and functions
- Create programs designed to solve simple problems
- Interpret common errors and use these to help debug a program
An exam is provided at the end of the course for you to test your newfound skills, but completion of this is not required.
Please follow these instructions to self enrol onto the course: Introduction to Python