Key Information

Tutor: Greg Artus (School of Professional Development)
Course Level: Level 1


  • Fri 23 May 2025, 13:00-16:00, South Kensington Campus

The workshop is designed to give researchers a chance to explore and critically analyse the ethics of scientific research in a constructive way. We will critically discuss the structure and implications of specific cases of scientific fraud, and will also look at different moral theories and how they might apply not only to specific moral dilemmas, but also to science in general. The session will aim to forearm you by providing a safe environment within which to formulate and articulate your views on how they might deal with the sorts of dilemmas you are likely to face during your careers.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Identify and analyse the ethical structure of obligations and responsibilities that comprise the world of research
  • Recognise the ethical implications of various actions within the research environment
  • Employ your creativity in finding ways to navigate the dilemmas inherent in the research environment
  • Develop what is sometimes known as ethical literacy, such that you are both knowledgeable and confident when facing ethically challenging situations
  • Assess the virtues of various activities in the world of research


How to Book

Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On.