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  • Journal article
    Cabass G, Jazayeri S, Pajer E, Stefanyszyn Det al., 2023,

    Parity violation in the scalar trispectrum: no-go theorems and yes-go examples

    , The Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2023, ISSN: 1029-8479

    We derive a set of no-go theorems and yes-go examples for the parity-odd primordial trispectrum of curvature perturbations. We work at tree-level in the decoupling limit of the Effective Field Theory of Inflation and assume scale invariance and a Bunch-Davies vacuum. We show that the parity-odd scalar trispectrum vanishes in the presence of any number of scalar fields with arbitrary mass and any parity-odd scalar correlator vanishes in the presence of any number of spinning fields with massless de Sitter mode functions, in agreement with the findings of Liu, Tong, Wang and Xianyu [1]. The same is true for correlators with an odd number of conformally-coupled external fields. We derive these results using both the (boostless) cosmological bootstrap, in particular the Cosmological Optical Theorem, and explicit perturbative calculations. We then discuss a series of yes-go examples by relaxing the above assumptions one at the time. In particular, we provide explicit results for the parity-odd trispectrum for (i) violations of scale invariance in single-clock inflation, (ii) the modified dispersion relation of the ghost condensate (non-Bunch-Davies vacuum), and (iii) interactions with massive spinning fields. Our results establish the parity-odd trispectrum as an exceptionally sensitive probe of new physics beyond vanilla inflation.

  • Journal article
    Georgousi M, Karnesis N, Korol V, Pieroni M, Stergioulas Net al., 2023,

    Gravitational waves from double white dwarfs as probes of the milky way

    , MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, Vol: 519, Pages: 2552-2566, ISSN: 0035-8711
  • Journal article
    Isichei R, Magueijo J, 2023,

    Minisuperspace quantum cosmology from the Einstein-Cartan path integral

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 107, Pages: 1-8, ISSN: 2470-0010

    We derive the fixed-Λ and unimodular propagators using the path integral formalism as applied to the Einstein-Cartan action. The simplicity of the action (which is linear in the lapse function) allows for an exact integration starting from the lapse function and the enforcement of the Hamiltonian constraint, leading to a product of Chern-Simons states if the connection is fixed at the endpoints. No saddle point approximation is needed. Should the metric be fixed at the endpoints, then, depending on the contour chosen for the connection, Hartle-Hawking or Vilenkin propagators are obtained. Thus, in this approach one trades a choice of contour in the lapse function for one in the connection, where appropriate. The unimodular propagators are also trivial to obtain via the path integral, and the previously derived expressions are recovered.

  • Journal article
    Chester SM, 2023,

    Bootstrapping 4d $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 2 gauge theories: the case of SQCD

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2023

    <jats:title>A<jats:sc>bstract</jats:sc> </jats:title><jats:p>We derive exact relations between certain integrals of the conserved flavor current four point function in 4d <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$ \mathcal{N} $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>N</mml:mi> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> = 2 conformal field theories (CFTs) and derivatives of the mass deformed sphere free energy, which can be computed exactly for gauge theories using supersymmetric localization. For conformal gauge theories with flavor groups of rank greater than one, there are at least two such integrated constraints, which can then be combined with the numerical conformal bootstrap to bound CFT data as a function of the complexified gauge coupling <jats:italic>τ</jats:italic>. We apply this strategy to the case of SU(2) conformal SQCD with flavor group SO(8), where we compute bounds on unprotected scaling dimensions as a function of <jats:italic>τ</jats:italic> that match the free theory limit, and exhibit the expected mixing between the action of the SL(2<jats:italic>,</jats:italic> ℤ) duality group and SO(8) triality.</jats:p>

  • Journal article
    Gielen S, Magueijo J, 2023,

    Quantum analysis of the recent cosmological bounce in the comoving Hubble length

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 107, Pages: 1-16, ISSN: 2470-0010

    We formulate the transition from decelerated to accelerated expansion as a bounce in connection space and study its quantum cosmology, knowing that reflections are notorious for bringing quantum effects to the fore. We use a formalism for obtaining a time variable via the demotion of the constants of nature to integration constants, and focus on a toy universe containing only radiation and a cosmological constant Λ for simplicity. We find that, beside the usual factor-ordering ambiguities, there is an ambiguity in the order of the quantum equation, leading to two distinct theories: one second order, and one first order. In both cases two time variables may be defined, conjugate to Λ and the radiation constant of motion. We make little headway with the second-order theory, but are able to produce solutions to the first-order theory. They exhibit the well-known “ringing” whereby incident and reflected waves interfere, leading to oscillations in the probability distribution even for well-peaked wave packets. We also examine in detail the probability measure within the semiclassical approximation. Close to the bounce, the probability distribution becomes double peaked, with one peak following a trajectory close to the classical limit but with a Hubble parameter slightly shifted downwards, and the other with a value of b stuck at its minimum. An examination of the effects still closer to the bounce, and within a more realistic model involving matter and Λ, is left to future work.

  • Journal article
    Beccaria M, Korchemsky GP, Tseytlin AA, 2023,

    Exact strong coupling results in <i>N</i>=2 Sp(2<i>N</i>) superconformal gauge theory from localization

  • Journal article
    Chester SM, Dempsey R, Pufu SS, 2023,

    Bootstrapping $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 4 super-Yang-Mills on the conformal manifold

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2023

    <jats:title>A<jats:sc>bstract</jats:sc> </jats:title><jats:p>We combine supersymmetric localization results with numerical bootstrap techniques to compute upper bounds on the low-lying CFT data of <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$ \mathcal{N} $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>N</mml:mi> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory as a function of the complexified gauge coupling <jats:italic>τ</jats:italic>. In particular, from the stress tensor multiplet four-point function, we extract the scaling dimension of the lowest-lying unprotected scalar operator and its OPE coefficient. While our method can be applied in principle to any gauge group <jats:italic>G</jats:italic>, we focus on <jats:italic>G</jats:italic> = SU(2) and SU(3) for simplicity. At weak coupling, the upper bounds we find are very close to the corresponding four-loop results. We also give preliminary evidence that these upper bounds become small islands under reasonable assumptions.</jats:p>

  • Journal article
    Cable A, Rajantie A, 2022,

    Second-order stochastic theory for self-interacting scalar fields in de Sitter spacetime

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol: 106, ISSN: 2470-0010
  • Journal article
    Afshordi N, Magueijo J, 2022,

    Lower bound on the cosmological constant from the classicality of the early Universe

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 106, Pages: 1-10, ISSN: 2470-0010

    We use the quantum unimodular theory of gravity to relate the value of the cosmological constant, Λ, and the energy scale for the emergence of cosmological classicality. The fact that Λ and unimodular time are complementary quantum variables implies a perennially quantum Universe should Λ be zero (or, indeed, fixed at any value). Likewise, the smallness of Λ puts an upper bound on its uncertainty, and thus a lower bound on the unimodular clock’s uncertainty or the cosmic time for the emergence of classicality. Far from being the Planck scale, classicality arises at around 7×1011  GeV for the observed Λ, and taking the region of classicality to be our Hubble volume. We confirm this argument with a direct evaluation of the wave function of the Universe in the connection representation for unimodular theory. Our argument is robust, with the only leeway being in the comoving volume of our cosmological classical patch, which should be bigger than that of the observed last scattering surface. Should it be taken to be the whole of a closed Universe, then the constraint depends weakly on Ωk: for −Ωk<10−3, classicality is reached at >4×1012  GeV. If it is infinite, then this energy scale is infinite, and the Universe is always classical within the minisuperspace approximation. It is a remarkable coincidence that the only way to render the Universe classical just below the Planck scale is to define the size of the classical patch as the scale of nonlinearity for a red spectrum with the observed spectral index ns=0.967(4) (about 1011 times the size of the current Hubble volume). In the context of holographic cosmology, we may interpret this size as the scale of confinement in the dual 3D quantum field theory, which may be probed (directly or indirectly) with future cosmological surveys.

  • Journal article
    de Rham C, Engelbrecht L, Heisenberg L, Luescher Aet al., 2022,

    Positivity bounds in vector theories

    , The Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 86, Pages: 1-40, ISSN: 1029-8479

    Assuming unitarity, locality, causality, and Lorentz invariance of the, otherwise unknown, UV completion, we derive a new set of constraints on the effective field theory coefficients for the most general, ghost-free Generalized Proca and Proca Nuevo massive vector models. For the Generalized Proca model, we include new interactions that had not been previously considered in the context of positivity bounds and find these additional terms lead to a widened parameter space for the previously considered interactions. Although, the Generalized Proca and Proca Nuevo models are inequivalent, we find interesting analogues between the coefficients parameterizing the two models and the roles they play in the positivity bounds.

  • Journal article
    Arun KG, Belgacem E, Benkel R, Bernard L, Berti E, Bertone G, Besancon M, Blas D, Bohmer CG, Brito R, Calcagni G, Cardenas-Avendano A, Clough K, Crisostomi M, De Luca V, Doneva D, Escoffier S, Ezquiaga JM, Ferreira PG, Fleury P, Foffa S, Franciolini G, Frusciante N, Garcia-Bellido J, Herdeiro C, Hertog T, Hinderer T, Jetzer P, Lombriser L, Maggio E, Maggiore M, Mancarella M, Maselli A, Nampalliwar S, Nichols D, Okounkova M, Pani P, Paschalidis V, Raccanelli A, Randall L, Renaux-Petel S, Riotto A, Ruiz M, Saffer A, Sakellariadou M, Saltas ID, Sathyaprakash BS, Shao L, Sopuerta CF, Sotiriou TP, Stergioulas N, Tamanini N, Vernizzi F, Witek H, Wu K, Yagi K, Yazadjiev S, Yunes N, Zilhao M, Afshordi N, Angonin M-C, Baibhav V, Barausse E, Barreiro T, Bartolo N, Bellomo N, Ben-Dayan I, Bergshoeff EA, Bernuzzi S, Bertacca D, Bhagwat S, Bonga B, Burko LM, Compere G, Cusin G, da Silva A, Das S, de Rham C, Destounis K, Dimastrogiovanni E, Duque F, Easther R, Farmer H, Fasiello M, Fisenko S, Fransen K, Frauendiener J, Gair J, Gergely LA, Gerosa D, Gualtieri L, Han W-B, Hees A, Helfer T, Hennig J, Jenkins AC, Kajfasz E, Kaloper N, Karas V, Kavanagh BJ, Klioner SA, Koushiappas SM, Lagos M, Le Poncin-Lafitte C, Lobo FSN, Markakis C, Martin-Moruno P, Martins CJAP, Matarrese S, Mayerson DR, Mimoso JP, Noller J, Nunes NJ, Oliveri R, Orlando G, Pappas G, Pikovski I, Pilo L, Pratten G, Prokopec T, Qi H, Rastgoo S, Ricciardone A, Rollo R, Rubiera-Garcia D, Sergijenko O, Shapiro S, Shoemaker D, Spallicci A, Stashko O, Stein LC, Tasinato G, Tolley AJ, Vagenas EC, Vandoren S, Vernieri D, Vicente R, Wiseman T, Zhdanov V, Zumalacarregui Met al., 2022,

    New horizons for fundamental physics with LISA

    , LIVING REVIEWS IN RELATIVITY, Vol: 25, ISSN: 2367-3613
  • Journal article
    Gonzalez MC, de Rham C, Pozsgay V, Tolley AJet al., 2022,

    Causal effective field theories

    , Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Vol: 106, Pages: 1-25, ISSN: 1550-2368

    Physical principles such as unitarity, causality, and locality can constrain the space of consistent effective field theories (EFTs) by imposing two-sided bounds on the allowed values of Wilson coefficients. In this paper, we consider the bounds that arise from the requirement of low energy causality alone, without appealing to any assumptions about UV physics. We focus on shift-symmetric theories, and consider bounds that arise from the propagation around both a homogeneous and a spherically symmetric scalar field background. We find that low energy causality, namely the requirement that there are no resolvable time advances within the regime of validity of the EFT, produces two-sided bounds in agreement with compact positivity constraints previously obtained from 2→2 scattering amplitude dispersion relations using full crossing symmetry.

  • Journal article
    Alday LF, Chester SM, 2022,

    Pure Anti–de Sitter Supergravity and the Conformal Bootstrap

    , Physical Review Letters, Vol: 129, ISSN: 0031-9007
  • Journal article
    Albertini E, Alexander S, Herczeg G, Magueijo Jet al., 2022,

    Torsion and the probability of inflation

    , Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol: 2022, Pages: 1-14, ISSN: 1475-7516

    We revisit the problem of the "probability of inflation" from the point of view of the Einstein-Cartan theory, where torsion can be present off-shell even in the absence of spinorial currents. An informal estimate suggests that the barrier for tunneling from "nothing" into a classical universe becomes thinner and lower, should torsion be present, even if only off-shell. We perform a detailed calculation that supports this informal estimate for the case of torsion eigenstates. Finally, we impose a quantum mechanical analog of the zero-torsion condition by restricting to states for which the expectation value of the torsion vanishes. An explicit family of such states is obtained by building wave-packets from linear superpositions of torsion eigenstates with Gaussian weights centered around zero torsion. The tunneling probability for these wave packets is maximized when the variance of the torsion goes to zero. Hence, by considering these wave-packets as the physical states, we recover a sensible model of quantum cosmology that incorporates quantum fluctuations in the torsion, despite the apparently unacceptable conclusions one draws from naïvely considering the tunneling probabilities for the torsion eigenstates.

  • Journal article
    Alday LF, Chester SM, Raj H, 2022,

    M-theory on AdS4 × S7 at 1-loop and beyond

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2022

    <jats:title>A<jats:sc>bstract</jats:sc> </jats:title><jats:p>We study graviton scattering on <jats:italic>AdS</jats:italic><jats:sub>4</jats:sub><jats:italic>× S</jats:italic><jats:sup>7</jats:sup>, which is dual to the stress tensor multiplet four-point function in the maximally supersymmetric 3d U(<jats:italic>N</jats:italic>)<jats:sub>1</jats:sub><jats:italic>×</jats:italic> U(<jats:italic>N</jats:italic>)<jats:sub><jats:italic>−</jats:italic>1</jats:sub> ABJM theory. We compute 1-loop corrections to this holographic correlator coming from Witten diagrams with supergravity <jats:italic>R</jats:italic> and higher derivative <jats:italic>R</jats:italic><jats:sup>4</jats:sup> vertices, up to contact term ambiguities, and find that the flat space limit matches the corresponding terms in the 11d M-theory S-matrix. We then use supersymmetric localization to show that all the 1-loop contact terms vanish, as was previously observed for the <jats:italic>AdS</jats:italic><jats:sub>4</jats:sub><jats:italic>× S</jats:italic><jats:sup>7</jats:sup><jats:italic>/</jats:italic>ℤ<jats:sub>2</jats:sub> theory dual to U(<jats:italic>N</jats:italic>)<jats:sub>2</jats:sub><jats:italic>×</jats:italic> U(<jats:italic>N</jats:italic>)<jats:sub><jats:italic>−</jats:italic>2</jats:sub> ABJM. Finally, we use the recent localization results of Gaiotto and Abajian, as inspired by twisted M-theory, to compute all the short OPE coefficients in correlators of the stress tensor multiplet and the next lowest half-BPS operator, which we find saturate the bootstrap bounds on these mixed correlators for all <jats:ital

  • Journal article
    Hanany A, Sperling M, 2022,

    Magnetic quivers and negatively charged branes

  • Journal article
    Filippini JP, Gambrel AE, Rahlin AS, Young EY, Ade PAR, Amiri M, Benton SJ, Bergman AS, Bihary R, Bock JJ, Bond JR, Bonetti JA, Bryan SA, Chiang HC, Contaldi CR, Dore O, Duivenvoorden AJ, Eriksen HK, Farhang M, Fraisse AA, Freese K, Galloway M, Gandilo NN, Ganga K, Gualtieri R, Gudmundsson JE, Halpern M, Hartley J, Hasselfield M, Hilton G, Holmes W, Hristov VV, Huang Z, Irwin KD, Jones WC, Karakci A, Kuo CL, Kermish ZD, Leung JS-Y, Li S, Mak DSY, Mason P, Megerian K, Moncelsi L, Morford TA, Nagy JM, Netterfield CB, Nolta M, O'Brient R, Osherson B, Padilla IL, Racine B, Reintsema C, Ruhl JE, Runyan MC, Ruud TM, Shariff JA, Shaw EC, Shiu C, Soler JD, Song X, Trangsrud A, Tucker C, Tucker RS, Turner AD, van der List JF, Weber AC, Wehus IK, Wen S, Wiebe Det al., 2022,

    In-Flight Gain Monitoring of SPIDER's Transition-Edge Sensor Arrays

    , JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, Vol: 209, Pages: 649-657, ISSN: 0022-2291
  • Journal article
    Bartolo N, Bertacca D, Caldwell R, Contaldi CR, Cusin G, De Luca V, Dimastrogiovanni E, Fasiello M, Figueroa DG, Franciolini G, Jenkins AC, Peloso M, Pieroni M, Renzini A, Ricciardone A, Riotto A, Sakellariadou M, Sorbo L, Tasinato G, Torrado J, Clesse S, Kuroyanagi Set al., 2022,

    Probing anisotropies of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with LISA

    , Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol: 2022, ISSN: 1475-7516

    We investigate the sensitivity of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) to the anisotropies of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB). We first discuss the main astrophysical and cosmological sources of SGWB which are characterized by anisotropies in the GW energy density, and we build a Signal-to-Noise estimator to quantify the sensitivity of LISA to different multipoles. We then perform a Fisher matrix analysis of the prospects of detectability of anisotropic features with LISA for individual multipoles, focusing on a SGWB with a power-law frequency profile. We compute the noise angular spectrum taking into account the specific scan strategy of the LISA detector. We analyze the case of the kinematic dipole and quadrupole generated by Doppler boosting an isotropic SGWB. We find that β ΩGW ∼ 2 × 10-11 is required to observe a dipolar signal with LISA. The detector response to the quadrupole has a factor ∼ 103 β relative to that of the dipole. The characterization of the anisotropies, both from a theoretical perspective and from a map-making point of view, allows us to extract information that can be used to understand the origin of the SGWB, and to discriminate among distinct superimposed SGWB sources.

  • Journal article
    Hull C, 2022,

    Gravity, duality and conformal symmetry

  • Journal article
    Kurlyand SA, Tseytlin AA, 2022,

    Type IIB supergravity action on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>M</mml:mi><mml:mn>5</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mn>5</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> solutions

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 106, ISSN: 2470-0010
  • Journal article
    Pieroni M, Ricciardone A, Barausse E, 2022,

    Detectability and parameter estimation of stellar origin black hole binaries with next generation gravitational wave detectors

    , SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Vol: 12, ISSN: 2045-2322
  • Journal article
    Kurlyand SA, Tseytlin AA, 2022,

    Type IIB supergravity action on M5 x X5 solutions

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol: 106, ISSN: 2470-0010
  • Journal article
    Roberts MM, Wiseman T, 2022,

    Reply to"Comment on 'Curved-space Dirac description of elastically deformed monolayer graphene is generally incorrect'"

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol: 106, ISSN: 2469-9950
  • Journal article
    Magueijo J, 2022,

    Connection between cosmological time and the constants of nature

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol: 106, Pages: 1-16, ISSN: 2470-0010

    We examine in greater detail the proposal that time is the conjugate of the constants of nature. Fundamentally distinct times are associated with different constants, a situation often found in “relational time” settings. We show how in regions dominated by a single constant the Hamiltonian constraint can be reframed as a Schrödinger equation in the corresponding time, solved in the connection representation by outgoing-only monochromatic plane waves moving in a “space” that generalizes the Chern-Simons functional (valid for the equation of state w=−1) for other w. We pay special attention to the issues of unitarity and the measure employed for the inner product. Normalizable superpositions can be built, including solitons, “light-rays” and coherent/squeezed states saturating a Heisenberg uncertainty relation between constants and their times. A healthy classical limit is obtained for factorizable coherent states, both in monofluid and multifluid situations. For the latter, we show how to deal with transition regions, where one is passing on the baton from one time to another, and investigate the fate of the subdominant clock. For this purpose minisuperspace is best seen as a dispersive medium, with packets moving with a group speed distinct from the phase speed. We show that the motion of the packets’ peaks reproduces the classical limit even during the transition periods, and for subdominant clocks once the transition is over. Deviations from the coherent/semiclassical limit are expected in these cases, however. The fact that we have recently transitioned from a decelerating to an accelerating Universe renders this proposal potentially testable, as explored elsewhere.

  • Journal article
    Arav I, Gauntlett JP, Roberts MM, Rosen Cet al., 2022,

    Leigh-Strassler compactified on a spindle

    , The Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2022, Pages: 1-47, ISSN: 1029-8479

    We construct a new class of supersymmetric AdS3 × Y7 solutions of type IIB supergravity, where Y7 is an S5 fibration over a spindle, which are dual to d = 2, N = (0, 2) SCFTs. The solutions are constructed in a sub-truncation of D = 5, SO(6) maximal gauged supergravity and they all lie within the anti-twist class. We show that the central charge computed from the gravity solutions agrees with an anomaly polynomial calculation associated with compactifying the N = 1, d = 4 Leigh-Strassler SCFT on a spindle.

  • Journal article
    Mantziris A, Markkanen T, Rajantie A, 2022,

    The effective Higgs potential and vacuum decay in Starobinsky inflation

  • Journal article
    Beccaria M, Korchemsky GP, Tseytlin A, 2022,

    Strong coupling expansion in <i>N</i>=2 superconformal theories and the Bessel kernel

  • Journal article
    Figueroa DG, Florio A, Loayza N, Pieroni Met al., 2022,

    Spectroscopy of particle couplings with gravitational waves

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol: 106, ISSN: 2470-0010
  • Journal article
    Alexandre B, Magueijo J, 2022,

    Possible quantum effects at the transition from cosmological deceleration to acceleration

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 106, Pages: 1-13, ISSN: 2470-0010

    The recent transition from decelerated to accelerated expansion can be seen as a reflection (or “bounce”) in the connection variable, defined by the inverse comoving Hubble length (b=˙a, on shell). We study the quantum cosmology of this process. We use a formalism for obtaining relational time variables either through the demotion of the constants of nature to integration constants, or by identifying fluid constants of motion. We extend its previous application to a toy model (radiation and Λ) to the realistic setting of a transition from dust matter to Λ domination. In the dust and Λ model two time variables may be defined, conjugate to Λ and to the dust constant of motion, and we work out the monochromatic solutions to the Schrödinger equation representing the Hamiltonian constraint. As for their radiation and Λ counterparts, these solutions exhibit “ringing,” whereby the incident and reflected waves interfere, leading to oscillations in the amplitude. In the semiclassical approximation we find that, close to the bounce, the probability distribution becomes double peaked, one peak following a trajectory close to the classical limit but with a Hubble parameter slightly shifted downwards, the other with a value of b stuck at its minimum b=b⋆. Still closer to the transition, the distribution is better approximated by an exponential distribution, with a single peak at b=b⋆, and a (more representative) average b biased towards a value higher than the classical trajectory. Thus, we obtain a distinctive prediction for the average Hubble parameter with redshift: slightly lower than its classical value when z≈0, but potentially much higher than the classical prediction around z∼0.64, where the bounce most likely occurred. The implications for the “Hubble tension” have not escaped us.

  • Journal article
    Leung R, Stelle KS, 2022,

    Supergravities on branes


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