Funding and Collaborations

The Mattevi Research Group Recieves Funding from
- ERC-Proof of Concept Grant 2022 "3D Printed Zn-ion Batteries for Wearable Devices"
- ERC-Consolidator Grant 2018 "3DAddChip"
- The Royal Society, via the University Research Fellowship program and the EPSRC-Royal Society Fellowship Engagement program
- EPSRC - 1st Grant
- EPSRC - Graphene Engineering Grants (4)
- The Graphene Flagship
- The European Commission via the Horizon 2020 program through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship program (2014)
- Petronas

The Mattevi Research Group collaborates with a diverse array of skilled researchers in both Academia and Industry
Academic Collaborators
- Prof. Marika Schleberger (Department of Physics, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- Prof. Kang Li (Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London)
- Prof. Helen Bouchiat (Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, France)
- Prof. Saverio Russo (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Exeter)
- Dr. Pierre Seneor (CNRS-Thales, France)
- Prof. Alison McGregor (Department of Surgery & Cancer, Imperial College London)
- Dr Theoni Georgiou (Department of Materials, Imperial College London)
Contact Us!
Dr Cecilia Mattevi
Lecturer and Royal Society University Research Fellow
Department of Materials
Imperial College London
Exhibition road
London SW7 2AZUK